Questions tagged [euler-angles]

The Euler angles are three angles introduced by Leonhard Euler to describe the 3D orientation of a rigid body.

The idea of Euler angles is to split the complete rotation of a cartesian coordinate system into three simpler rotations about the axes of this system. Euler angles also represent three composed rotations that move a reference frame to a given referred frame. This is equivalent to saying that any orientation can be achieved by composing three elemental rotations (rotations around a single axis), and also equivalent to saying that any rotation matrix can be decomposed as a product of three elemental rotation matrices.

405 questions
1 answer

Interpolating euler angles/rotation matrices with a given time

How can i correctly interpolate between 2 euler angles with a given time (or velocity)? For instance, i want to implement a simple blink, rotating the lids first down and then up again. The time a blink takes should be between 50 and 500ms. At the…
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Smooth transition between the euler angles solved from a rotation matrix

I have a 3*3 rotation matrix R. Now, it is possible to solve this rotation matrix to get the euler angles of the rotation matrix.…
Ananth Saran
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Converting orientation and speed to position

I have a body located at (x,y,z) at time t0. I know the body is moving at a constant speed, s. The body's orientation is (h,p,r) (heading pitch and roll). I would like to calculate the location of the body after t seconds as a function of…
Benjy Kessler
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Which euler angle order does this code result in?

Using the mathematics library GLM, I use this code to combine the euler angle rotations to a rotation matrix. #include using namespace glm; mat4 matrix = rotate(mat4(1), X, vec3(1, 0, 0)) * rotate(mat4(1),…
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2 answers

Panda3D: How to rotate object so that its X-axis points to a location in space?

I have an object (say fromObj) stored in NodePath at a 3D point location (say fromPoint). Its heading-pitch-roll (HPR) is (0,0,0). I want to rotate it such that its X-axis points to another point toPoint in space. I just want to compute the HPR that…
Ashwin Nanjappa
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How to get angle rotated of a 3D object from its transform martrix

I have a 3d object which is free to rotate along x,y and z axis and it is then saved as a transform matrix. In a case where the sequence of rotation is not known and the object is rotated for more than 3 times (eg :-if i rotate the object…
Vinod Paul
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0 answers

Calculate spin between two Euler-angles along it's local Y-axes

Let's say we have two rotated objects, there Euler-Angles are: Object | x | y | z 1 | 180 | 360 | 180 2 | -360 | -720 | 360 Both use rotate order XYZ. When rotation is zero the local Y-axis is pointing up. I'm trying to get…
Roy Nieterau
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Euler Angles from analog sensor data 9dof

I'm looking to compute euler angles based on analog sensor data in javascript. The sensor data includes gyro, accelerometer, and magnetometer data in 3d. The math is a little over my head, and looking for any help or tips. Thanks!
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Apply game object rotation using relative VR controller rotation?

I have a game object in Unity which I want to be able to rotate using my VR controller. I can kind've achieve this by doing the following... bool triggerClicked = false; Transform rightHand = Player.instance.rightHand.transform; void Update () { …
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Unity mathf.clamp in multiple angle ranges

I wanted to restrict the area of the arrow movement between -140 and -40 degrees as indicated in the drawing but as the distribution of the degrees in the angular area is strange if I limit it between -140 and -40 as a minimum and maximum…
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Correlating Looping Rotation values to Movement values in Unity3D

I'm trying to simulate unscrewing a nut from a bolt. To me, this means tracking the y-rotation and moving the nut on the y-axis depending on the direction the nut is rotating. The problem is that euler angles loop between 0 and 360 and quaternions…
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In Unity, Swipe to rotate an object and when it reach 30° snap it to 90°

The problem I wanted to solve : When I swipe the screen in the right direction, the cube starts to rotate on the Y axis, and when it reach 30°, the cube y rotation snaps smoothly to 90°. And by smoothly i mean a fast animation to 90° and not abrupt…
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Euler angles for a direction respect to rotated local axis system in unity

I want a determined angle in a local rotated axis system. Basically I want to achieve the angle in a plane of a determined rotated axis system. The best way to explain it is graphically. I can do that projecting the direction from origin to target…
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How to get rotation(Euler angle) between two 3D vectors? (to make bvh format)

I'm converting a 3d coordinate sequence into a bvh file. I made the HIERARCHY using the first frame(not T-pose), and I want to use the rest of the frames to make the MOTION part. I don't know the exact meaning of the euler angle used in the bvh…
1 answer

Unity Quaternion - get Euler angles of a component B relative to component A

I cannot get my head around Quaternions, and have tried many combination of operators on this (after reading / viewing tutorials). No success - just shows my lack of understanding. Even tried it with angles and atan2() - but all that really showed…
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