Questions tagged [snmp]

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks and consists of operations for data retrieval, modification and notification. SNMP generally operates over UDP.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks.

SNMP is defined by a series of IETF Requests for Comment (RFCs). There are three versions of the protocol: SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3. RFC 3584 is the "Best Current Practice" for handling coexistence of the three protocol versions, and provides a view of interoperability issues between the versions as well as a list of references to the various RFCs that define the different versions.

Before posting a question about SNMP, ensure that it is on-topic for this site. Examples of of activities that might generate on-topic questions are:

  • writing a program using Net-SNMP's C API
  • writing a shell script to use or parse output from SNMP tools
  • writing a MIB

Other questions, especially those related to running an SNMP server or agent, may be more suited for ServerFault, which is dedicated to questions about server and network infrastructure.

Usually organizations will obtain a Private Enterprise Number (PEN) used to reference their devices that use SNMP similarly to a domain name Pen Application. This is then added to a registry of all PENs each organization making sub IDs called OIDs with Management Information Base (MIB) configuration files to take care of the sub ID definitions. These MIB files should be provided by each organization for any of their devices that use SNMP.

2229 questions
5 answers

Why is SNMP usually run over UDP and not TCP/IP?

This morning, there were big problems at work because an SNMP trap didn't "go through" because SNMP is run over UDP. I remember from the networking class in college that UDP isn't guaranteed delivery like TCP/IP. And Wikipedia says that SNMP can be…
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4 answers

Easy to use SNMP client library for c++?

What's an easy to use SNMP client library for c++?
Brian R. Bondy
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3 answers

Basic questions about SNMP

I'm learning about SNMP, and writing some applications using it. I have some basic questions about the protocol: Do the agents store its state on the device itself? If there is a trap set on an agent, can you do a poll on the same OID to get the…
David Hodgson
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2 answers

What is the best open source SNMP monitoring tool?

I am currently working on software that must emit SNMP traps for SNMP versions 1 & 2 and possibly v3 in the future. I have downloaded several and found them to be either too complex or too simplistic. All I want is to view traps and analyze the data…
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1 answer

How to use SNMP with Java?

I'm writing an application that accesses a network printer. As a part of that application, I need to know the "status" of the printer. The only way the printer advertises its status is through SNMP. Java itself doesn't have any tools that speak the…
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2 answers

Why is Math.floor() used instead of integer division in BER Codec

I am looking at the SNMPBEECodec which can be seen at this location In particular I am looking at the function encodeLength() A snippet I am interested in int numBytes = 0; int temp = length; while (temp > 0) { …
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1 answer

How to get data from SNMP with python?

How to get value mac and vlan from fdb table uses python? In bash snmpwalk work fine: snmpwalk -v2c -c pub pysnmp: import os, sys import socket import random from struct import pack, unpack from datetime…
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1 answer

SNMP: ASN.1 MIB Definitions. Referencing a table within a table

Its's been a while since I've written ASN.1 so.. Our data model is comprised of several table definitions within a table. This is not workable in SNMP, so we need to flatten the definitions. The easiest way to do this would be to have the embedded…
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3 answers

Definition of SNMP Gauge32 vs Counter32

Can someone point me to a good definition of Gauge32 vs Counter32? I understand that Counter32 can wrap, but Gauge32 can't. I'm trying to understand their semantics. For example, I've heard you should take the difference between two Counter32…
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2 answers

How can I write an SNMP agent or SNMP extension agent DLL in C#

I need to write an SNMP agent for my application. I read the CodeProject article on how to write an SNMP extension agent DLL using win32, but would like to know if it is possible to do it with managed code. Also, is it possible to write my own SNMP…
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3 answers

Getting started with SNMP4J

I need to make an agent in SNMP4J, but the documentation on how to get started is pretty poor. Does anyone have any experience with SNMP4J and could give me an idea on how to get started? Thanks.
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8 answers

PHP SNMP - Cannot find module

I've enabled the SNMP module was trying to the functions in the module. I have set the MIBDIRS environment variable to where I have my mibs but I'm still getting these "Cannot find module" warnings: Cannot find module (IP-MIB): At line 0 in…
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4 answers

What SNMP library for .NET makes traps, sets or gets simple?

What are the best SNMP libraries to use with .NET? Specifically for listening for traps or sending set or get requests.
Thomas Bratt
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4 answers

How to get OIDs from a MIB file?

I want to read all the objects from the MIB file that a manager has. I developed one tool to get some data from a SNMP enabled agent. I want to enhance that tool by showing all the OIDs form the manager's MIB file. I am using the NET-SNMP…
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4 answers

Experimental/private branch for OID numbers in LDAP Schemas?

Attributes or object classes in LDAP schemas are identified through a unique number called OID. Moreover OIDs are also used in the SNMP protocol. Everyone can apply for an enterprise number by the IANA and then define his own subnumbers. But the…
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