Questions tagged [end-to-end]

Is a technique used to test whether the flow of an application right from start to finish is behaving as expected. For anything relating to applying a test, protocol, or other desired action to a set of servers from front-end to back-end.

While testing all of the individual components and connections in large system can help to give confidence in a system overall, ensuring that the expectations of system work together as a continuous entity will provide the greatest confidence in its viability.

Many other concepts also apply on an end-to-end level, such as ensuring that data is encrypted from the moment a user submits it until it reaches a database or other back-end or other similar considerations. Particularly as a multi-tiered infrastructure increases in complexity, so to does the burden of ensuring that the expectations of the system hold true across the various components of the system.

588 questions
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Can we give test case name as title of screenshot in protractor?

from protractorConfig.js : jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new HtmlReporter({ baseDirectory: './reports/'+outputFolder+'/screenshots', takeScreenShotsOnlyForFailedSpecs: true })); There is an option, docTitle, but not sure how to fetch test case…
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Phpstorm with protactor unresolved functions

I`m using phpstorm with protactor for angular and for some reason the IDE doesnt recognize some functions. but the functions is working fine when i`m running the test. for example: element(by.buttonText('toggle')).click(); …
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TestNG functional testing @Test order sequence

I am currently trying to write some automation tests using TestNG, which will verify some users actions on a website, so the tests are end-to-end functional tests as opposed to unit tests. I have created an XML file which will hold the test data…
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how can I edit TCP protocol (

My research is about minimizing End to End retransmission delay by touching Transport Layer Process to Process communication. I did some changes to , changed window size. the changes i am doing are not affecting. ex: even if i removed…
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No access to source code, still possible for automated end-to-end testing?

I'm dealing with a legacy application and I have no access to its source code. It's a Windows application written in PowerBuilder. Is it possible to do automated end-to-end testing on an application that I have no access to its source code? I…
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How to test form validation in Angular

I'm attempting to write tests around a form that uses Angular. After following this solution, I'm able to access the form's scope inside the e2e test. Now with this code: scope('Form', function(scope) { = ""; …
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How can I modify an array model in an Angular end-to-end test?

I've got an angular app which has a table defined in the controllers like so: $scope.rowHeaders = ["Revenues","Costs","Profit"]; $ = [[100,230,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200], [30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140],…
Somik Raha
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How can I see what karma sees when I use browser().navigateTo()

I am just getting started with karma, and although it seems that everything is hooked up properly and my unit tests are being run as expected, I can't get my end to end tests to find any elements. When I go to the debug page, I can see a very brief…
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End to end email encryption web application

Hope this question is within the scope of stackoverflow, it contains some questions that are closer to a discussion but others that can be answered. For my final year project I would like to try and set an end-to-end secure email web application…
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Order of execution of AngularJS E2E tests

So, I noticed that the it() functions inside describe() blocks don't (always) run in the order I wrote them. Are they asynchronous then? And how to force them to run in a certain order ? I want to chain a bunch of UI mutations and basically have…
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How to perform auto Scroll to element in Protractor test if Protractor fails to locate the element int the view?

I have a suite of tests and would like to auto scroll to elements on the page if protractor fails to locate the element in the current view. The tests have been written prior to a few changes made to the UI to make the headers fixed. This caused few…
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Generating test-result report in Endly for Jenkins

How do I generate an XML test result report in Endly for parsing and viewing in Jenkins?
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nightwatchjs selector is not selecting an attribute with space

I have a few pages on which I am running nightwatchjs to execute an end to end test.
MyReal TV
I have a few tabs that I try to verify using code similar to…
Nuru Salihu
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Testing relative positions of elements

On the page under test I have the following Support link: Which is represented with the following HTML:
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Low Impact End-to-End Database Connection & Query Test

The database is Oracle. The goal is to perform a status check in code that is: Robust End-to-end (healthy connection does NOT mean healthy objects, i.e. views with offline tables) Creates minimal overhead for calling application To suffice these…
Matt Borja
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