Questions tagged [end-to-end]

Is a technique used to test whether the flow of an application right from start to finish is behaving as expected. For anything relating to applying a test, protocol, or other desired action to a set of servers from front-end to back-end.

While testing all of the individual components and connections in large system can help to give confidence in a system overall, ensuring that the expectations of system work together as a continuous entity will provide the greatest confidence in its viability.

Many other concepts also apply on an end-to-end level, such as ensuring that data is encrypted from the moment a user submits it until it reaches a database or other back-end or other similar considerations. Particularly as a multi-tiered infrastructure increases in complexity, so to does the burden of ensuring that the expectations of the system hold true across the various components of the system.

588 questions
3 answers

What is browser.ignoreSynchronization in protractor?

I have seen it so many times where people suggest to use: browser.ignoreSynchronization=true; // or false But I do not understand why do we need it?
Priyanshu Shekhar
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4 answers

How to get the parent of an element

For example, I am randomly picking a button element from within the rows of a table. After the button is found, I want to retrieve the table's row which contains a selected button. Heres is my code…
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"More than one element found for locator" warning

In one of my tests, I'm locating an element using a CSS selector: element(by.css("ul.nav button")) There is more than one element matching the query, but, since I need only the first one, I'm okay with the selector. The problem is, protractor…
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3 answers

Protractor browser.wait doesn't wait

I am assuming that browser.wait should be a blocking call, but it is not working as I expected. Here is my sample: describe("browser.wait", function() { beforeEach(function() { browser.wait(function() { console.log('1 -…
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Are user acceptance test (UAT) and end-to-end (E2E) test the same thing?

I've been trying to find the answer to this question online but I have not been able to find good enough to make me feel sure about the answer. I believe they are essentially the same but user acceptance test (UAT) requires a real user while…
Remo H. Jansen
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12 answers

Testing AngularJS with Selenium

I have a SPA application on stack ASP MVC + AngularJS and I'd like to test the UI. For now I'm trying Selenium with PhantomJS and WebKit drivers. This is a sample testing page - view with single element. The list items
  • load dynamically from…
  • deeptowncitizen
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    Cypress - how to find by text content?

    In Cypress, I want to select a button from a group of buttons based on its text-content. How can I do it? Here is my approach: export const getCustomerButton = () => getNavigationSidenav() .find('mat-expansion-panel-header') .each(($el, index,…
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    In protractor, browser.isElementPresent vs element.isPresent vs element.isElementPresent

    In protractor, there are, basically, 3 ways to check if an element is present: var elm = element("myid")); browser.isElementPresent(elm); elm.isPresent(); elm.isElementPresent(); Are these options equivalent and interchangeable, and which…
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    How to stop protractor from running further testcases on failure?

    Is there a way of quitting test suite and stop executing further test cases, if a test case fails in protractor?
    Aman Gupta
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    3 answers - Programmatically set response based on request parameters in cy.route()

    I am stubbing an api request in my end-to-end test and would like to be able to return a different response depending on the request parameters that are sent out. Currently, my stub is returning a static response regardless of what is posted, and…
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    Protractor - count elements in repeater and print it

    I'm trying to count the elements in repeater and to print it to console. This is the markup:
    ...< /div> currently I'm counting and comparing: expect(element.all(by.repeater('app in…
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    End to end integration test for multiple spring boot applications under Maven

    What is the recommended way of running an end to end integration test for multiple Spring boot applications in the Maven build's verify phase? Basically, I have a multi-module Maven project where several modules are separate spring boot…
    3 answers

    Automatically detect test coupling in Protractor (randomizing test execution order)

    The Problem: We have a rather large test codebase. From time to time, instead of executing all the tests, we execute them individually or in packs. But, sometimes, we see the unexpected test failures because of the tests being interconnected,…
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    Getting currently selected text

    I'm try to get the currently selected text in an input using window.getSelection() but I'm always getting an empty string: expect(browser.executeScript("return window.getSelection().toString();")).toEqual("test"); Results into: Expected '' to equal…
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    Should I use browser or ptor = protractor.getInstance()?

    I watched this video ( which was uploaded Aug 2013. It claims that we should use ptor.get(url) rather than browser().navigateTo(url) in future. But when I look at docs on the protractor home page (on…
    Tim Hong
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