Questions tagged [end-to-end]

Is a technique used to test whether the flow of an application right from start to finish is behaving as expected. For anything relating to applying a test, protocol, or other desired action to a set of servers from front-end to back-end.

While testing all of the individual components and connections in large system can help to give confidence in a system overall, ensuring that the expectations of system work together as a continuous entity will provide the greatest confidence in its viability.

Many other concepts also apply on an end-to-end level, such as ensuring that data is encrypted from the moment a user submits it until it reaches a database or other back-end or other similar considerations. Particularly as a multi-tiered infrastructure increases in complexity, so to does the burden of ensuring that the expectations of the system hold true across the various components of the system.

588 questions
3 answers

Testing a confirm dialog with Protractor

This seems to be a pretty simple question, but I really can't find an answer online and I was not able to find an answer myself. I'm using AngularJS for my application and at some point, I have a native JavaScript confirmation box/dialog which asks…
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Is End-to-end encryption possible in Javascript?

I'm currently researching the possibilities for creating a (peer2peer) messaging client in terms of encryption thus security. This application will be based on web technologies (if possible). My questions are: is end-to-end encryption possible with…
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How to select an element in protractor having multiple classes?

I have a div like this:
When I am trying to get the element in Protractor by…
Jyotirmoy Pan
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expect() with no actual expectations

The Problem: Recently, while reviewing our existing test codebase, I've noticed a dangerous kind of typo/mistake when expect() was used without the "matching" part: expect(page.filters.fromDateLabel.getText(), "After"); I'm pretty sure toEqual()…
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Non-angular page opened after a click

I'm trying to implement the following test scenario: perform a click on a logo on the page assert there is a new browser window opened (tab in Chrome) and check the current URL The problem is that the page opened in a new browser window is a…
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5 answers

mouseover element not working using protractor

I have a directive that produces the following html structure:
Mike Rifgin
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integrate puppeteer in gitlab with gitlab-ci.yml

Im currently working on e2e test in Chrome Puppeteer. I am at the stage where it would be ideal to integrate my tests in the development process. What I want to accomplish is the following: my tests run automated before every deploy to production.…
4 answers

Get all element attributes using protractor

According to the documentation, to get a single attribute by name you can use .getAttribute() on a WebElement: var myElement = element('myId')); expect(myElement.getAttribute('myAttr')).toEqual('myValue'); But how can I get all of the…
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How do I set up remote browsers in Karma?

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around Karma. I'd like to: Set up multiple hosts on my network, running Linux, Mac and Windows Preferably also run on Android and iPhone Have these be available for running end-to-end tests through Karma Have…
2 answers

Testing templates in Protractor?

What's the best way to write assertions that should apply across every page in a site? I'm testing to see if an element exists in the footer of my site, so the element should exist on all pages. I am thinking of writing a separate file for testing…
Lawrence Wagerfield
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1 answer

Allow permission dialog in Flutter end-to-end testing?

In Flutter end-to-end testing, a permission is to be allowed during the test. driver.tap(find.text("ALLOW") does not work. How to click "ALLOW".
Kyaw Tun
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3 answers

Difference between functional test and end-to-end test

What is the difference between functional test and end-to-end test? Techopedia says that end-to-end test is a methodology used to test whether the flow of an application is performing as designed from start to finish. The purpose of carrying…
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Using Tensorflow's Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) implementation

I'm trying to use the Tensorflow's CTC implementation under contrib package (tf.contrib.ctc.ctc_loss) without success. First of all, anyone know where can I read a good step-by-step tutorial? Tensorflow's documentation is very poor on this…
2 answers

Controlling poll frequency of browser.wait() (Fluent Wait)

The Story: In Java selenium language bindings there is a FluentWait class, that allows to tightly control how the expected condition would be checked: Each FluentWait instance defines the maximum amount of time to wait for a condition, as well as…
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Test hover state changes with protractor

No matter what I do I can’t get the hover state functional with protractor tests. The following code is semi functional .. Works well in Firefox Only works when I scroll the area into view with Chrome. Fails in Phantom JS obj …
Kirk Strobeck
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