Questions tagged [efs]

Windows Encrypted File System

The Encrypting File System (EFS) on Microsoft Windows is a feature introduced in version 3.0 of NTFS that provides filesystem-level encryption. The technology enables files to be transparently encrypted to protect confidential data from attackers with physical access to the computer.

124 questions
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EFS encryption key pop up

I'm getting notifications to back up my encryption key for EFS in Vista, however i haven't enabled bit locker or drive encryption. Anyone know how to find out what files may be encrypted or have an explanation for why it would notify me?
Brian Leahy
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3 answers

Unable to mount EFS on EC2 instance

I am unable to mount EFS to EC@ instance. It fails with connection timed out error. Steps used: Connected to Amazon EC2 instance using SSH created EFS Using DNS name in EFS trying to mount EFS on to the instance(using default security group) sudo…
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Attach Volume EFS in ECS

When trying to mount an EFS file system together with ECS, I get the following error: ResourceInitializationError: failed to invoke EFS utils commands to set up EFS volumes: stderr: mount.nfs4: Connection reset by peer : unsuccessful EFS utils…
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Can't resolve DNS name of EFS while mounting it on red hat ec2 instances using putty

I am having an issue where I am unable to mount my EFS on red hat ec2 instance using the DNS names. It throws error mount.nfs4: Failed to resolve server Name or service not known I am…
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Creating a new directory from C# with Encrypting File System switched on

Has anyone created a new directory from C# with Encrypting File System switched on? Additionally any information on doing this from an install would be helpful too.
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How to mount AWS EFS to Macbook or local computers

I am trying to mount AWS EFS to my local macbook (Also other local computers) However, after trying so many things, it is not working. My port 22 and 2049 is wide open as a testing. I tried few command like mount -t nfs4 -o nfservers=4.1…
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Mounting EFS in EKS cluster: example deployment fails

I am currently trying to create an EFS for use within an EKS cluster. I've followed all the instructions, and everything seems to be working for the most part. However, when trying to apply the multiple_pods example deployment from here, the pods…
2 answers

Is it possible to use AWS EFS access points to mount a kubernetes persistent volume in EKS?

First of all to put some context on that question. I have an EKS cluster with version >= 1.15 The EFS - EKS security group / mount target etc. are working properly The CSI driver for EFS in EKS is installed and work as expected I have deployed a…
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AWS + Terraform, how to create a folder on EFS

I set up an ECS Cluster with Terraform. Everything works great but I have a few questions about it. 1. As far as I understood, an EFS volume doen't need to be mounted to ECS instances. AWS allows us to mount an EFS volume folder directly to a…
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How to create EFS in Multi-AZ with Terraform (AWS)

I have launched two ec2 instances in two availability zones and I need to mount the efs in both the instances using terraform. resource "aws_efs_file_system" "magento-efs" { creation_token = "efs-demo" performance_mode = "generalPurpose" …
4 answers

How To Encrypt A Directory With Application-Specific Keys?

I'm working on a C++ application that stores (and frequently accesses) its data across many files within a single directory via numerous classes, database libraries, etc. I would like to start encrypting all this data on disk using a key managed by…
Brian White
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8 answers

Encrypting Source Code

I work on relatively sensitive code that we wouldn't want falling into the wrong hands. Up until now, all the code has been keep in house so it hasn't been an issue. I am moving to working from home a day or two a week and we want to secure the code…
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EFS mount on ECS Fargate - Read/write permissions denied for non root user

I have an ECS Fargate container running a nodejs application with non-root permissions and is also mounted to EFS on /.user_data inside the container. I followed this AWS tutorial. My setup is almost similar. Here is the Docker file: FROM…
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What's the difference of using nfs/efs as PersistentVolume and as a normal volume in kubernetes/k8s StatefulSet?

I was trying to install a Cassandra stateful set on our k8s cluster. We want to mount an AWS EFS to all the Cassandra pods. And during configuring the volumes, I found we have 2 ways of declaring the volumes. Create an EFS, install efs-provisioner…
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0 answers

How to mount a EFS sub folder in an ECS cluster using Terraform?

I have a EFS that i want to mount it to an ECS cluster (running on EC2 instances). My cluster is running multiple apps and i want that each app use a sub folder of the EFS. During the launch config of the EC2 i create the different folders for apps…
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