Questions tagged [devise-invitable]

DeviseInevitable adds support to the Rails authentication solution Devise for sending invitations by email, accepting the invitation and setting the password.

DeviseInevitable adds support to Devise for sending invitations by email, accepting the invitation and setting the password.

The latest version requires Rails 3 or 4, and Devise ≥ 3.1.0.

Legacy support:

  • Version 0.2.3 supports Rails 2.3
  • Version 1.2.1 supports devise 3.0.x

More information is available at the project's GitHub Page.

199 questions
1 answer

Change digest for Devise::TokenGenerator

I want to use md5 instead of sha256 for Devise::TokenGenerator . What is the proper way to do it?
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1 answer

Different hashed value for same invitation token

I'm using Devise in my Rails for auth and devise_invitable to send out invitations to users. I've run into a weird issue on my staging and production environments. This is something that has not come up in our local environments or in our…
Vivek Dhar
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0 answers

Devise Invitable error: The invitation token provided is not valid

Regardless of what I have tried and I have looked through this Github thread, I keep getting the error The invitation token provided is not valid! I have the form embedded onto a separate page on my website and the invitation is sending, but the…
David Mckee
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1 answer

Rollback devise invitable

Just made a roll back on a migration that added columns for devise_invitable and deleted the migration. I am now receiving the following error when trying to login to my app. undefined local variable or method `invitation_token' for…
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0 answers

Devise Invitable - Update user associated tables only in callback

I'm trying to do a test send using u = User.invite!({:email => "", :name => "John Doe"}, User.find(1)) Why is Devise Invitable trying to insert into tables companies and company_roles with wierd/wrong values when I'm actually…
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1 answer

How to Revert Changes: destroy devise_invitabe

I tried devise_invitable and added this to an existing MODEL rails generate devise_invitable MODEL It added some files, changes to db [migration files],.. I don't need it anymore. so i thought to remove it. In rails there is rails destroy ... to…
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2 answers

Rails validation is still firing despite unless option evaluating to true

I use devise_invitable in my app to allow users to send invitations. I realized a bad case in which a user has been invited but ignores the invitation and later returns to the app to sign up on their own. Because devise_invitable handles invitations…
2 answers

How to set the 'from' header for devise invitable invitation_instructions?

So I'm trying to override the 'from' field so it actually includes the name of the inviter, rather than the system default. I've followed the instructions here I've got my custom…
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0 answers

Get current user in invitation_instruction mailer

I am using devise_invitable gem for sending invitation. In my mail content I have the following: “Name Here” has invited you to join ..... Where "Name Here" is the current user who has invited to join.... I am not getting the current_user in…
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1 answer

Rails/Devise: valid_password? method returns nil

In my app there are two kinds of users (Athletes & Users). The Athlete model extends the User model and the regular user model assigns different roles to other kinds of users. For some reason one some of my users with a certain kind of role, the…
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4 answers

Cannot register user Unpermitted parameters error with devise and devise_invitable

I am on Rails3.2 devise_invitable (1.1.8), devise (3.1.1) WITHOUT strong parameter, when I try to register a user I get following log. I am using this route to custom the devise invitation controller: devise_for :users, path_names: {sign_in:…
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1 answer

Devise invitable: invite existing user

I am using devise invitable in my application for inviting the users. If the user exists in the database I have to redirect him to signin screen otherwise to the signup screen if he is a new user. Even if I invite the user like: User.invite!(:email…
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1 answer

Rails find_by option syntax for last record

It's probably unrelated to the issue, but for context I'm using the devise_invitable gem in my app. I've started to modify the invitations_controller.rb as I want to save additional associations between the invited_user and other models in my app. I…
Mike Strand
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1 answer

Add custom action to devise invitable

I'm trying to add a new form (for a facebook invite) inside the devise invitable new view: devise/invitations/new.html.erb. I'm struggling to get the routing right. I'm using Rails 4, if it makes a difference. view…
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2 answers

Devise Invitable - Show how many invite left

I am able to show the number of invites an user gets with <%= @user.invitation_limit %> However, I'd like to show how many invites are left. Any help?
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