Questions tagged [devise-invitable]

DeviseInevitable adds support to the Rails authentication solution Devise for sending invitations by email, accepting the invitation and setting the password.

DeviseInevitable adds support to Devise for sending invitations by email, accepting the invitation and setting the password.

The latest version requires Rails 3 or 4, and Devise ≥ 3.1.0.

Legacy support:

  • Version 0.2.3 supports Rails 2.3
  • Version 1.2.1 supports devise 3.0.x

More information is available at the project's GitHub Page.

199 questions
1 answer

Changing devise_invitable mailer subject

on default, the subject for invitation mail is mailer: invitation_instructions: subject: 'Invitation instructions' I'd like to change it to subject: '%{invited_by} has invited you!' but this requires to have invited_by variable…
Nick Ginanto
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1 answer

How can I invite users (using devise_invitable) and populate additional fields during the invite process?

For example, when I go to users/invitations/new, the only field is :email. I'd like to invite a user and, in addition to providing their email, provide: first_name last_name role company (user belongs_to company) I created…
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1 answer

Changed Devise mailer template path, now Devise Invitable's e-mail subject lines fail

I created a custom devise mailer to change the location of the Devise e-mail templates in views. I made the following changes: #/config/initializers/devise config.mailer = 'CustomDeviseMailer' and # app/mailers/customer_devise_mailer.rb def…
Joseph Novak
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3 answers

devise invitable do not validate model

First, excuse my poor english, I'm french... it's tricky to explain my problem ! I have a model User model in a Rails application: class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :email, :gender, :lastname, :firstname end And a BackUser…
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0 answers

Rails devise delete/cancel user isn't working

I apologize if asked in twice. as this question has already been asked but not with any kind of help at all :( So the problem part is when I am implementing the Invitable and after successful implementation everything works flawlessly except…
Ali Ammaar
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1 answer

attr_accessor not accessible in mailer when using deliver_later

I am using devise_invitable to invite users to app, for that I want to add custom message on the email. so my code looks like this. #user.rb attr_accessor :message def self.invite(emails, message) User.invite!({email: email}) do |user| …
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1 answer

Rails 4 devise_invitable invitation token invalid

I have been following Ryan Boland's excellent Rails multitenancy tutorial, but have run into a snag with devise_invitable. I am using... Rails 4.1.5 devise 3.3.0 devise_invitable 1.3.6 Postgresql I create a new account and user/account owner on…
2 answers

Devise invitation generate accept_invitation_url

I'm using Devise invitable for invitation. Typically, in the invitation email there will be a link to redirect the invitee to the sign_in page, some url like this This url…
Bruce Xinda Lin
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1 answer

Testing devise invitable

I am using devise invitable in my app. I have overwritten the devise invitable invitations controller for some custom behavior. When I try and write controller tests for this I get the following error: NoMethodError: undefined method 'name' for…
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2 answers

How do I delete an invitation with devise_invitable?

I have devise_invitable installed on my rails application. Creating a new invitation works properly. I built a view to manage the list of invitations, and created a form button to allow the admin to delete outstanding invitations. Here is the…
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2 answers

How to override devise invitable actions

I am using devise-invitable gem in my application. If the user exists in the application and he clicks accept invitation link he should be redirected to sign in page other if new user clicks the link he should be redirected to sign up page. I am not…
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2 answers

devise_invitable: Only allow admin to invite users

I am using devise_invitable gem to enable invites in my app along with devise for a rails 3 app. I have a User & Profile model. In User, there is a role column which gives type of user. Now, I would like to restrict feature of creating new invites…
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devise_invitable: Prompt to set password after accepting invitation?

I have a Rails app in which one type of user may invite another to create an account by means of devise_invitable. I'm sending the invitation email, and when the invitee follows the link, I'd like them to enter some information, click 'submit', and…
David Ham
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Devise Invitable throws 401 UnAuthorized error after invitation is accepted

I am using Rails 4.1.14, Ruby 2.1.6, Devise 3.2.4 and Devise_invitable 1.3.6. The issue I am having is once a new user I invited presses the accept invitation link in the email they received, it gets stuck in a redirect loop. I can't figure out…
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1 answer

How to change URL used in accept_invitation_url dynamically in Devise Invitable?

I'm using Devise invitable for invitation. We're using different sub-domains like,, etc in a single rails app and would like the invitation url we send to users to reflect that. Since the value seems to be based on…
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