Questions tagged [devise-invitable]

DeviseInevitable adds support to the Rails authentication solution Devise for sending invitations by email, accepting the invitation and setting the password.

DeviseInevitable adds support to Devise for sending invitations by email, accepting the invitation and setting the password.

The latest version requires Rails 3 or 4, and Devise ≥ 3.1.0.

Legacy support:

  • Version 0.2.3 supports Rails 2.3
  • Version 1.2.1 supports devise 3.0.x

More information is available at the project's GitHub Page.

199 questions
1 answer

Increment Invitations Counter with Devise Invitable

I am trying to test my application with Devise Invitable to run out of invitations (reach invitation limit) but I cannot get the invitations count to increment at all. Does anyone know how this works?
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Rails 4: Devise Invitable Unpermitted Parameter

I am using the Devise Invitable gem to invite users and after creating the user, I create a client with a user_id that is equal the id of the user that was just created class User < ActiveRecord::Base after_create :create_client def…
1 answer

Adding a custom field to devise invitable invitation BEFORE sending the invite

So I have spent some time now trying to track down the illusive way to add a custom field to the field the "invitee" sends the invitation to.. My app is not a public facing app, and so the human resources department will send the invite upon hiring.…
Shawn Wilson
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2 answers

Adding Attributes to User when invitation is sent via Devise_Invitable

Im am stuck and unsure how to add "account_id" to a user when their account is created via devise_invitble (When the initial invitation is sent). The basic workflow is an owner creates an account, then the owner of the account can invite someone to…
Shawn Wilson
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1 answer

Heroku crashes after a rake db:migrate

This application was already working fine on Heroku. After the last heroku run rake db:migrate I found the following logs with errors: 2016-03-04T19:40:50.904316+00:00 app[web.1]: from…
1 answer

devise_invitable - Rails url helpers not found in application layout in DeviseInvitable controller

I am writing on a Rails engine (Subscribe) which will be the base of a multi-tenant Rails app and handle subdomains, accounts, users (with Devise) and subscriptions. Everything works fine except for when the devise_invitable…
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1 answer

Database attribute saving in Development but not in Production

I'm getting a database error in production. But in development no error. ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError (can't write unknown attribute `invited_by_id`): invited_by_id is a column added by the Devise Invitable gem to my User table. I encountered…
0 answers

Invitation token not valid

Suddenly the invitation tokens of Devise invitable are not valid anymore. I am sending emails containing a link link this: /users/invitation/accept?invitation_token=Yr4PWJQNTTu1xP8sU5q5 The link in the email view is like this: = link_to…
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devise invitable raises error when field is empty or user is already invited

I have rails app with devise invitable. If I invite a user who hasn't registered yet then it's working fine. If I type something like 'fsafsdda' then it tells me to use valid form. BUT when I leave the field empty or invite an already existing user…
Sean Magyar
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1 answer

How to allow Sign Up In Devise after Invitation was sent?

When I send an invite to new user via DeviseInvitable (e.g. to a new record is created in User table with field email == Later when I try to Sign Up as a new user and specify an email I get an…
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1 answer

How to send custom invitation using devise_invitable

I am new at ruby and using devise_invitable gem for invitations. Every instruction is sending properly. Now i want to add a custom subject which will have an invitee name and board name and custom content which will have same things as subject. How…
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NoMethodError: undefined method `devise_mail' for MyMailer:Class

I've got a very simple custom mailer that I am using with Devise, however it is unable to find the helper method "devise_mail". If I clone the devise_mail method within the class (Uncommenting in the sample below) the mailer works with the custom…
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1 answer

How to check status of invitation?

For each User I want to display his invitation status: "Invitation Sent" or "Invitation Accepted" Currently I just check if a field encrypted_password in Users table contains anything. If it is not - then a user did not registered (accepted an…
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1 answer

Devise::InvitationsController reports Unpermitted parameters

I have a problem with devise_invitable 1.4.0 and strong parameters when I add additional custom parameters and I really hope somebody can guide me in the right direction. I am able to send invitations, but when an invited user accepts an invitation…
0 answers

Inivitation token sent in an email is differnt from the inviation token in the database

I am on rails 4.0 . I am using devise 3.4.1 and devise_intitable gem 1.4.0 to send invitation to the users. All works fine and users are able to accept invitation.but the problem is that the intiation toke in the url is not matching with the…