Questions tagged [devise-invitable]

DeviseInevitable adds support to the Rails authentication solution Devise for sending invitations by email, accepting the invitation and setting the password.

DeviseInevitable adds support to Devise for sending invitations by email, accepting the invitation and setting the password.

The latest version requires Rails 3 or 4, and Devise ≥ 3.1.0.

Legacy support:

  • Version 0.2.3 supports Rails 2.3
  • Version 1.2.1 supports devise 3.0.x

More information is available at the project's GitHub Page.

199 questions
1 answer

Devise Invitable testing default_url_options

I am testing the method User.invite!(:email => "") of Devise Invitable with rspec but i get the following error: ActionView::Template::Error: Missing host to link to! Please provide the :host parameter, set…
Alberto Pellizzon
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1 answer

Devise Invitable send different emails based on the type of user

I was using devise_invitable in previous versions to send different invitation emails to different user roles. For example, an Admin user would get sent a different invitation than just a regular user. To send the different emails to the users I did…
Michael Yagudaev
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2 answers

DEVISE after_inactive_sign_up_path_for not being called

Environment: RAILS 3.2 + DEVISE for auth + Invitable + Confirmable add-ons. Using devise (2.2.3) Using devise-i18n (0.6.5) Using devise_invitable (1.0.3) I am trying to redirect to a specific location after ACCEPT (TO SIGN UP), but only…
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3 answers

how to avoid devise_invitable from sending a confirmation email?

from the docs i think it should to not send a confirmation email, but it is doing it. Here's my setup for the invitable action: class Users::InvitationsController < Devise::InvitationsController def multiple_create if…
0 answers

devise_invitable + omniauth-identity

I have been developing application that was implemented by omniauth-identity for users authentication process but Now I need to implement invite users strategy where I would like to integrate devise_invitable. I believing that devise_invitable only…
Raju akula
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Rails Devise Confirmable - How Can I Redirect to a Different Page Than Root

In my Rails 6 app, I have implemented Devise, and the confirmable module. The default behavior for confirmable is that after a user is created, the user is redirected to the root path. I want to redirect only these people who just created accounts…
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devise sign out not working after implementation of devise invitable

all the things were working fine with devise's Registration and session related but when I added devise invitable in the project, after that my session controller's destroy functionality not working. when I clicked on logout button the request sent…
Rana. Amir
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1 answer

Need help solving undefined method `permit' for #

I am working on an app that uses Devise 3.2. I am trying to get some extra parameters through when saving a member. According to the documentation I should be able to do this. In my application_controller.rb I have this (Rails…
Rockwell Rice
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Rails 5.1 devise_invitable gem ignoring i18n translation file

I have added the devise_invitable gem and a custom mailer. It works and normal devise emails (eg. confirmation_instructions) are reading the i18n file correctly, but invitation_instructions is not. Here is the devise.en.yml: en: devise: …
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Rails 5 API + Vue.js frontend: form to invite users with devise_invitable

I am writing an invitation form with Vue.js. The invites should POST to a Rails 5 API. I am using devise_invitable for the invitation logic and email dispatch. However, I am having a problem with intercepting the create method, as I will be sending…
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Devise invitable - skip current_password in invitation action

Case one: When I send invitation email, and user accept invitation he need to update own password with fields :password and :confirm_password Okay everything works fine. config/initializers/devise_auth_token.rb # By default sending current…
1 answer

Devise Invitable Terms of Service

I am trying to add a terms of service checkbox to my devise invitable view. So an invite is sent out and the Engineer clicks the accept invite link and arrives at the form below:

<%= t 'devise.invitations.edit.header' %>

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Rails 4 + Devise Invitable: Reset Password

I have a user index and I want to add a button that would send a password reset email when I click it (for when users lose their invitation). # View <% @users.each do |user| %> <%= link_to "Reset Password", reset_password_path(user) %> <% end…
Jeremy Thomas
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1 answer

Invite user without email + rails + devise invitable

I want to have a feature where I can invite any user using only their phone_number. I don't have the email address. When a user is being invited, an SMS is sent to the specified number and depending upon the contents of the reply(say, 'Y' or 'N')…
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2 answers

Invite User to Organization with Devise Invitable

I am sending an invitation to a new user using Devise Invitable. I have a related table to Users called Organizations, with a belongs_to/has_many relationship. When the new user goes to accept the invitation, it states that there must be an…
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