Questions tagged [designer]

a visualized UI creating tool (commonly windows forms creators)

Designers are used in various tasks.

Visual studio uses a designer engine to layout the user interface (buttons labels etc) for windows application, web sites and wpf applications.

Various designers exist for creating HTML and CSS, drawing building plans, connecting workflow items or building a city (think about the sims city games).

The designer tag on stackoverflow is mostly used to ask questions about the visual studio windows forms designer or windows workflow designer but also for various other UI designers (QT,Eclipse,Java).

1205 questions
1 answer

How to "bypass" constructor call if instance is not null (WinForms designer code)

When we place a component on a Windows Form, the default behavior for the designer is to serialize a contructor call in the IntializeComponent method of the form. Is there any way to have a custom serializer output the following code: if…
Luc Morin
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Using Ui forms:Dynamic Dialogs(runtime) vs adding ui through uic(compile time)

I want to know which way is efficient if I am having number of UI forms. I don have any idea about memory utilization in both of case I just tried both ways in a simple example. here…
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Designer to see internals?

I have my signed assemblies here, in one of them I have a picture in the resources. The other one is granted to use it as it's own, so my other assembly can reference the picture, and everything works fine. Only if it wouldn't be for the Form…
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Mono for Android - Layout Designer Issue

I'm using Mono for Android 4.2.4 with VS 2010. The layout designer does not refresh properly if you change the theme, API version, orientation or device name from the designer toolbar. MonoDevelop works fine. Is there a resolution for this?
1 answer

visual Studio WPF xaml designer won't show up, even when enabled

So I'm trying to load the XAML designer in visual Studio, and it won't show up, only the source editor shows up I use the XAML WPF designer to make a lot of decisions, as I'm not on a team and do everything myself with this program including UI…
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Open Source alternative for winforms designer

Is there any open source alternative for the Visual Studio WinForms Designer? I checked SharpDevelop, but the project is dead and will be unusable on Windows in a while. The Mono designer for Winforms is also not (I think) developed anymore, or…
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I need help in recovery of my project (was accidentally deleted)

My project was accidentally deleted and all I have now is those three files: project.resx, project.designer.cs, project.cs. is there any way I can restore my project?
1 answer

Android Studio-Designer does not show Colors as the emulator/phone

A string underline on emulator (and device) is green but on designer window is gray. There is no custom colors in style and colors.xml. So why colors are different? result manifest.xml:
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remove deprecated fill_parent in Android Studio

After I had to look up a couple of times if match_parent or fill_parent is the up-to-date value for layout_width in the designer, I wonder if the deprecated fill_parent can be removed from a template or wherever it comes from. Has someone achieved…
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How to set JLabel over(in) JLabel in Netbeans only using designer

Can you tell me please how to put Jlabel over/in another JLabel, but only using Netbeans designer. I make new form, drag 1st JLabek into it, i set icon (background image), and now I want to drag new JLabel to be shown over 1st JLabel. I need just a…
1 answer

Execute separate Designer files in VB.Net (Visual Studio 2008)

I'm making a application that I need to change the layout of all the controls on the form. Is there a way I can do this other than having a couple dozen lines of code relentlessly doing something such as: Picturebox1.Left = 10 …
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3 answers

How to refrence an object created by Desginer

(I'm using default Visual Studio names) How can I reference a texbox object(texbox1) in another custom class in form1.cs file(a class within "public partial class Form1 : Form") here is my code. In myclass I've written textBox1, but intelisense…
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Jquery enlarge image without plugins

I am having difficulties to code a simple jquery enlarge image feature on a image however i do not want plugins. So when you click on a image it pops up and enlarges the image size and when you click on "x" it closes the enlarge image.
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WPF Designer : System.ArgumentNullException

First of all, sorry for my bad english. I post here because I know some people have very relevant answers. I've been working on a WPF application for several months without any problem. Since this morning, everytime I try to click, update or resize…
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1 answer

Visual Studio win32project control resizing

I'm making this project on visual studio using only embedded resources dialogs and i have a hard time positioning & resizing the controls using that useless designer. Is there anyway to resize the controls properly or do i have to do it at runtime ?
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