Questions tagged [designer]

a visualized UI creating tool (commonly windows forms creators)

Designers are used in various tasks.

Visual studio uses a designer engine to layout the user interface (buttons labels etc) for windows application, web sites and wpf applications.

Various designers exist for creating HTML and CSS, drawing building plans, connecting workflow items or building a city (think about the sims city games).

The designer tag on stackoverflow is mostly used to ask questions about the visual studio windows forms designer or windows workflow designer but also for various other UI designers (QT,Eclipse,Java).

1205 questions
1 answer

Vaadin img in a VerticalLaout

Second Question, I use IntelliJIdEA and Vaadin Designer, i add a img to a VerticalLayout out an tryed to have the Img as a kind of a Header, but it will not appear on the localhost side. the image is created from the Designer @Id("img") …
2 answers

Visual Studio hangs when adding forms or opening designer

I have a major problem with a Winforms application with a large number of projects. VS 2019 threw an exception and closed a few days ago, and on reopening restored two files since then I have been unable to: Add a new form to the vast majority of…
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Hovering over a particular text and display an image in CSS

I am trying to design a menu for my web page. To create a responsive menu I need some properties to get interact on basic logic. For e.g. There are Four texts on the left [Which are hoverable] and when hovering on them an image to be shown on the…
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How to read textbox, and create an action from the click of a button using PyQt5 with a form created in QDesigner

I've created a small form (1 button, 2 textboxes and 1 label) using QDesigner, and converted it to Python. I can show the form using Python but I don't know how to click the button and show the result of adding the values in the 2 textboxes, on the…
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C# design time automatic event creation

Ordinarily, when designing a page (winform), I'm all for double-clicking the object, and having an event method created. Now, I'd like to know how to STOP these methods from being automatically generated, because they are getting generated, when I…
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Changes to Windows Form doesn't show up when run

I am working in C# with Visual Studio 2017. I had previously made some changes to my form, and today when I run the code, the changes don't show up. It appears to be running an older version. Note that when I originally made the changes, it ran fine…
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How do I replace an image in a tap/click action in Google Web designer (Basically for a dress up game)?

I need that when a user click a button. The dress changes. There are separate files for the dress and the body. I added a custom code on a tap/click event on GWD which is this document.getElementById("body").src =…
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Quick yet extensive GUI designer/builder

Every time I create a GUI, I use visual studios CLR/C++ winforms design tool. I really like it, it has a lot of features, it's fairly easy to use, and I love that it generates all the code. But there are a few things I don't like about it. Namely:…
2 answers

Can you copy over macbook screen color calibration profiles? Spyder3Pro

I've bought an 11" and a 13" macbook air and borrowing a spyder3pro from my friend to calibrate the screens. I am trying out the macbook air's and returning one. I'd like to calibrate both the screens and then also my home external lcd screen and my…
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C# DataGridView use Rows and Columns as Headers

I am connected to a Database. I created an DataViewGrid which uses Databinding from that Database. I want to use Rows and Columns as Headers, right now somehow there are just Columns as Headers. I am using Visual Studio 15 and want to use the…
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SQL Server Management Studio 2014 - Table Designer Not Appearing

When I right click on new table, the designer does not appear. Instead I get this: Can someone help?
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The xdebug can debug in multi-files *.php

I configured IDE: PHP Designer with Xdebug. But when pressing F9 for debug the php scripts. My scripts is in multi-files. PHP Designer with xdebug can't debug on multi-files *.PHP ? thanks,
1 answer

Should I use html&css&jquery already coded template?

I am an intermediate level web designer & web developer. I built 5 official websites for hotels and not only, until now(2 years experience). But I have an uncertainty. Should I use an already coded template like this for building the next websites?…
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Oracle Designer wants the OCI.dll

I have a problem with the Oracle Designer 10g which I have downloaded recently. The problem is that the program is missing the OCI.dll file. Due to this file I can't open it the program. How to solve the problem?
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Using a designed form for tooltip in c#

Currently I am developing a .NET WinForms application in C#. I want to use a form created in designer as a custom tooltip for my project's controls. Is there a way to do it?
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