Questions tagged [delta]

A Delta is a file which represents the changes between two or more revisions of structured or semi-structured data


305 questions
5 answers

Existing solution for file deltas/versioning in Java

When versioning or optimizing file backups one idea is to use only the delta or data that has been modified. This sounds like a simple idea at first but actually determining where unmodified data ends and new data starts comes accross as a difficult…
James P.
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2 answers

Quill.js extending Blot / Parchment changes not captured in delta

I am getting to grips with quill.js- I would like to be able to create a custom blot with content that is preset, but which I can change.. I have figured out how to create a block embed blot from the medium clone guide, but I have noticed that the…
Sean D.
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4 answers

Update data only by difference between files (delta for java)

UPDATE: I solved the problem with a great external library - The way I did it is posted below as the accepted answer Imagine I have two separate pcs who both have an identical byte[] A. One of the pcs…
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1 answer

How does the Google's smart updates technology work?

I know the basics: they compute a difference between two versions and send it to the user's device where it is deployed. Precisely, I am interested in 2 questions: What changes were made to the server's software and what changes were made to the…
Nikolai Samteladze
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2 answers

How to identify deltas of changes between two strings?

I have to implement an algorithm which takes as input two strings, and returns an array containing substring ranges of changes. Say, a range is defined as typedef struct _NSRange { NSUInteger location; // Where the affected substring begins …
Proud Member
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4 answers

Inexplicable SVN repository size increase from small differences to big files

I can't figure out why small differences to big files are causing my subversion repository to grow so much. I have a zip file of the contents a database used by some tests. I want to store each new version of the test data in our subversion…
Jon Stafford
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0 answers

Upsert in RDBMS(Mysql) table using Pyspark DataFrames and JDBC

I'm trying to perform merge(upsert) operation on MySql using Pyspark DataFrames and JDBC connection. Followed the below article to do same which is in scala. (…
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1 answer

Microsoft Graph fails to report group membership deltas via groups/delta that originate in on-prem AD and sync to Azure

When using the groups delta functionality (described here), group membership changes are not being reported if those changes originate in an on-prem AD environment and sync over to Azure. If those same membership changes originate in Azure, they are…
3 answers

Python Difflib Deltas and Compare Ndiff

I was looking to do something like what I believe change control systems do, they compare two files, and save a small diff each time the file changes. I've been reading this page: and it's not sinking in…
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3 answers

Streaming File Delta Encoding/Decoding

Here's the problem - I want to generate the delta of a binary file (> 1 MB in size) on a server and send the delta to a memory-constrained (low on RAM and no dynamic memory) embedded device over HTTP. Deltas are preferred (as opposed to sending the…
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2 answers

ASP.NET Web Api - "PATCH" using Delta<...> with double property not working

From JavaScript client code I am creating the following data: var employee = { FirstName: "Rudolf", Salary: 99 }; I then pass this through an Ajax call to an MVC Web API Controller Action: using System.Web.Http.OData; …
Rob L
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2 answers

How do I keep the jump height the same when using delta time?

I'm using delta time so I can make my program frame rate independent. However I can't get the jump height it be the same, the character always jumps higher on a lower frame rate. Variables: const float gravity = 0.0000000014f; const float jumpVel =…
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0 answers

Building/calling librsync on Windows from Delphi 2010

I'm currently using the rdiff windows port from my delphi 2010 application to calculate delta/signature for remote delta/diff I'm trying to explore the possibility of using the librsync library instead of rdiff, I googled & read a lot, I found these…
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1 answer

Algorithm to Combine Text Deltas into Single 'Superstring'

I'm writing software to track the changes an author made over several editions of a book. I already wrote code that produces a set of deltas describing differences between two editions. Now I'm looking for an algorithm to combine all of these diffs…
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0 answers

Adding Footnotes (or margin notes etc.) to The Quilljs Editor

I'm looking for a way to add footnote / endnote functionality to the editor. My requirements are that the note 'text' itself can still be edited as if it were document text -- hiding it away in an attribute is probably not going to work…
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