Questions tagged [delta]

A Delta is a file which represents the changes between two or more revisions of structured or semi-structured data


305 questions
4 answers

Getting the difference (delta) between two lists of dictionaries

I have the following Python data structures: data1 = [{'name': u'String 1'}, {'name': u'String 2'}] data2 = [{'name': u'String 1'}, {'name': u'String 2'}, {'name': u'String 3'}] I'm looking for the best way to get the delta between the two lists.…
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6 answers

Does an implementation of RFC 3229 (Delta encoding for HTTP) exist?

As mentioned briefly in this article: which is referenced from here: I'm currently a CompSci student and would like to try this out, partly for…
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4 answers

how to set iOS 6/7 Deltas programmatically

I was developing a UISplitView app by using Xcode 4.6 when I left iOS6 I had design: Now I migrate to new Xcode5 and now I have this design: UINavigationBar overlaps completelly my UISearchBar... Leo Natan told me about using a iOS 6/7 Deltas but…
Jesús Ayala
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3 answers

How to design a SQL db with undo-redo?

I'm trying to figure out how to design my DB tables to allow Undo-Redo. Pretend you have a tasks table with the following structure: id title memo date_added date_due Now assume that over a few days…
brian h
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2 answers

How to calculate delta latitude and longitude for MapView component in React-Native?

How can i calculate delta-latitude and delta-longitude values form latitude and longitude values for MapView component in React-Native. Thank You
3 answers

Backpropogation activation derivative

I've implemented backpropagation as explained in this video. This seems to have worked successfully, passing gradient checking and allowing me to train on MNIST digits. However, I've noticed most other…
Kieren Anderson
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5 answers

iOS 6/7 Deltas: Only working for subviews?

I designed my iPhone app for iOS 5 and 6. Now I want it to support iOS 7 but the two older versions as well. Like many developers I have been struggling with the status bar overlapping my views and I understand that there is no way to preserve the…
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2 answers

Delta Compression in .NET

Has anyone been able to perform compression in a .NET environment to generate deltas between files. I'd like to use this functionality if at all possible, perhaps by using the functionality in msdelta.dll. I'd also be interested in how to generate…
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3 answers

Pandas: extract hour from timedelta

This answer explains how to convert integers to hourly timesteps in Pandas. I need to do the opposite. My dataframe df1: A 0 02:00:00 1 01:00:00 2 02:00:00 3 03:00:00 My expected dataframe df1: A B 0 02:00:00 2 1 01:00:00 1 2 …
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3 answers

Inverse of jQuery.extend(true, …)

I'm looking to reduce storage requirements for JSON data by deltifying it against a known set of defaults. Basically, what I want is an inverse for jQuery's .extend() function, such that the following test passes for arbitrary JSON-compatible…
Ben Blank
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3 answers

Is there a way to update SQLITE database using deltas?

I would like to know if SQLite proposes a update mechanism based on some delta file, to be clear for example an Oracle database can be synchronized with sql redo logs or snapshot logs. Does SQLite proposes an optimized mechanism to update itself. My…
1 answer

Diff between commit deltas, not commits themselves

I have two branches coming from commit a: a - b - c \ d - e What I want to see is a diff between the changes introduced in c and e. I can easily view the differences between e and c themselves, but that's not what I want, because that diff…
Nick Crews
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3 answers

What application/game state "delta compression" techniques/algorithm do exist?

I have interest in exploring real-time multiplayer client-server game development and related algorithms. A lot of famous multiplayer games such as Quake 3 or Half-Life 2 use delta compression techniques to save bandwidth. The server has to…
Vittorio Romeo
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1 answer

What is the format of the deltas in a subversion respository, and how badly can I blow it up if I change them in a pre-commit hook?

Help me do some damage! I'm tired of just a half-dozen Google hits that tell me never to do this. Let's muck things up real good! I'm pretty sure that I can get ahold of the actual files in db/transactions, so how can I screw these up in interesting…
John O
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4 answers

Binary Delta Storage

I'm looking for a binary delta storage solution to version large binary files (digital audio workstation files) When working with DAW files, the majority of changes, especially near the end of the mix are very small in comparison to the huge amount…
Colton Phillips
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