Questions tagged [delphi-7]

Delphi 7, released in August 2002, is a version of Delphi for Windows 32 bit.

Delphi 7 (codename: Aurora) is a specific version of Delphi. Always use the tag alongside this tag.

It was released in August 2002, became the standard version used by more Delphi developers than any other single version. It is one of the most successful IDEs created by Borland because of its stability, speed and low hardware requirements, and remained in active use as of 2011. Delphi 7 added support for Windows XP Themes, and added more support for building Web applications. It was the last version of Delphi which could be used without mandatory software activation.

Its release immediately preceded a period of turbulence in the history of Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero that, combined with Delphi 7's robustness, contributed to its widespread use and longevity. In this regard, Delphi 7 can be considered the counterpart to MSVC6.

Delphi 7 introduced full support for XP themes, probably the most significant enhancement over Delphi 6.

Delphi 7 was preceded by Delphi 6 and succeeded by Delphi 8 (Codename: Octane).


Borland Delphi 7 Studio was released in four different editions:

  • Architect
  • Enterprise
  • Professional
  • Personal


2996 questions
6 answers

Setting multiple labels to transparent across 1.000 forms?

I skinned my software with Devexpress and I found that the labels were non-transparent causing them to have grey background. There's just endless forms, so I was wondering whether there was a way to do this task (of setting labels to transparent)…
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13 answers

should I move to the new Delphi XE Starter?

I am a Turbo pascal/Borland pascal/Delphi developer, since 1987. I currently only use Delphi for maintaining old tools that I (and some friends of mine) use privately. Unfortunately all my professional codes have already been ported, some even with…
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4 answers

Custom Delphi Colours

If i want to set a colour property to something thats non-standard (i.e. not something like clBlack or clRed) how can i do this? Can i set something like hexadecimal colours?
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3 answers

How to remove the title bar from a form

Does anyone know how to create a Delphi form without a title bar? I have seen some some links/tips but its not exactly what I want and I couldn't do it myself. This is what I am trying to achieve:
Hatem Hidouri
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1 answer

Thread.FreeOnTerminate := True, memory leak and ghost running

Years ago, I decided never to rely solely on setting a thread's FreeOnTerminate property to true to be sure of its destruction, because I discovered and reasoned two things at application's termination: it produces a memory leak, and after…
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3 answers

how to create xml file in delphi

I'm new to delphi and now I have to read create an xml. my code is the following: unit writexml1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, xmldom, XMLIntf, StdCtrls, msxmldom,…
Abdul Salam
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5 answers

removing leading zeros from delphi string

Delphi 7 How do i remove leading zeros in a delphi string? Example: 00000004357816 function removeLeadingZeros(ValueStr: String): String begin result:= end;
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4 answers

How to convert PAnsiChar to WideString or string?

How do I convert a PAnsiChar variable to WideString or to string?
Little Helper
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2 answers

Windows firewall rule for XP

How to programmatically add an application or port to Windows Firewall on Windows XP?
Little Helper
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6 answers

delphi - strip out all non standard text characers from string

I need to strip out all non standard text characers from a string. I need remove all non ascii and control characters (except line feeds/carriage returns).
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2 answers

Delete all files and folders recursively using Delphi

I am trying to delete a folder and all of its sub-folders recursively but it is not working at all, so can someone please check the code and tell me what I am doing wrong here? I am running this code through D7 under Windows XP if FindFirst…
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1 answer

Intercept TAB key and suppress it

I need to intercept the TAB keyboard stroke on TEdits and suppress them programmatically. In certain cases I don't want the focus to change to the next control. I tried to handle KeyPress, KeyDown both on TEdit level and on TForm with…
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1 answer

TMemo with Auto Show/Hide Scrollbars

I need simple TMemo that does NOT display scroll bars when they are not needed (ie insufficient text), but does when they are. something like ScrollBars = ssAuto or like the TRichEdit HideScrollBars. I have tried to subclass a TMemo and use the…
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7 answers

Delphi: how to pass a list as a parameter to a SQL query?

I have a list of integers or of strings and need to pass it as a parameter for a Delphi DataSet. How to do it? Here is an example. MyQuery is something like: select * from myTable where intKey in :listParam I'd set a parameter as a list or array or…
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4 answers

How can I get HTML source code from TWebBrowser

How can I get source code from WebBrowser component? I want to get source code of active page on WebBrowser component and write it to a Memo component. Thanks.
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