Questions tagged [delphi-7]

Delphi 7, released in August 2002, is a version of Delphi for Windows 32 bit.

Delphi 7 (codename: Aurora) is a specific version of Delphi. Always use the tag alongside this tag.

It was released in August 2002, became the standard version used by more Delphi developers than any other single version. It is one of the most successful IDEs created by Borland because of its stability, speed and low hardware requirements, and remained in active use as of 2011. Delphi 7 added support for Windows XP Themes, and added more support for building Web applications. It was the last version of Delphi which could be used without mandatory software activation.

Its release immediately preceded a period of turbulence in the history of Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero that, combined with Delphi 7's robustness, contributed to its widespread use and longevity. In this regard, Delphi 7 can be considered the counterpart to MSVC6.

Delphi 7 introduced full support for XP themes, probably the most significant enhancement over Delphi 6.

Delphi 7 was preceded by Delphi 6 and succeeded by Delphi 8 (Codename: Octane).


Borland Delphi 7 Studio was released in four different editions:

  • Architect
  • Enterprise
  • Professional
  • Personal


2996 questions
1 answer

The stub received bad data

I have a delphi app on an XP SP3 that talks to delphi com+ on windows 2000 server, has been working fine but now for one of the calls to the com+ it wont work and returns the error -The stub received bad data.Although 2 other calls to the com+ work…
1 answer

getmac address returns blank if disconnected from the internet

I am trying to get the mac address of my clients computer which works fine if the computer is connected to the internet, but as soon as the computer disconnect from the internet the Mac Address returns blank. Any Idea why and if there is any…
1 answer

Why i can't use Variable in TRecord?

I'm with a doubt about the TRecord use. Can i use a VAR in a record property? For example: My record: TStyleEvalue = record ID: Integer; Value: TFontStyles; Name: String; end; When i try to attribute VAR in the Name property as the…
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1 answer

How to change my code to get the correct enumerate name value?

I аm trying to get the enumeration name value using RTTI. My objective is to get the corresponding enumerate name value in Enum1(Tsex) from the selected enumerate name value in Enum2(iterator) using a string value. Here is the code that I have…
0 answers

Delphi 7 ProcessMemory Tlhelp32 Write string value

Does anyone know this problem when trying to write string value on tlhelp32? Raised exception class EInvalidPointer with message "Invalid pointer operation" Read Code: function TPMemory.GetValues(ProcessID, Address: dword; VarType: integer; const…
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0 answers

delphi embeddewb execute javascript for youtube

I am making my own delphi "youtube player" as webbrowser i selected TEmbeddedWB... But i dont want user intractions on the webpage, i have button and trackbars button = mute / unmute video sound trackbar1: set youtube volume trackbar2: seek youtube…
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1 answer

Trouble converting delphi procedure to C#

I've been at this for a bit with no luck. I have this delphi procedure which I did not write and don't have the original program to test. Please take note of the comment to see what it's supposed to do: // first parameter is an input string, and the…
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2 answers

Consume XML from Delphi 7

I need to get book information from trough XML service using this link Any Idea how to do that in delphi?
Jimmy F
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1 answer

Incompatible types when add unit in main unit

I'm a new Delphi developer and there are strange happening problems. I have to add an unit called Filters in my main called Unit1 (default name). But, alaways when I try to run the code: [Error] Unit1.pas(48): Incompatible types. If I remore Filters…
2 answers

Delphi - how to check method variable?

In Delphi (I'm using D7), how do I check that a method variable is assigned to something? I've tried this code function MethodIsOK(M : TMethod) : Boolean; begin //Result := M <> Nil; //Result := Assigned(M); end; but either way of assigning…
Alex James
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1 answer

How can I bookmark some code in Delphi 7?

As in MS Visual Studio, I would like to bookmark some piece of code in a Delphi program and I can't find it in the IDE. With it, I'll be able to find back a piece of code and switch between different files without loosing the exact line where I was…
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0 answers

CreateDir sometimes take a few second (in other pc directory)

I just tried to create directory in other PC (Network PC) using CreateDir function. uses DateUtils; var StartDate,EndDate:TDatetime begin StartDate:=Now; if CreateDir([NetworkPC_Folder]) then begin EndDate:=Now; Showmessage( …
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1 answer

Delphi xe8 error reading textfile created from Delphi 7 version and vice versa

I try to convert a code from Delphi 7 to delphi xe8 and I cannot find a solution to the following case. Our old application creates a txt file which first row is like…
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3 answers

Call dll function

I have to acces a c written dll function, prototyped as: #include "extcode.h" #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void __stdcall PSA_Send_BO(char hostname[], char BO_NumberIn[], char BO_NumberOut[],…
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2 answers

How to make a Form stay on top of all other Forms for the entire application?

How to make a Form (It shows progress) stay on top of all other Forms in the entire application ONYL for my application forms? Even on top of modal forms. BUT, not on top of other desktop windows/application? fsStayOnTop does not make the desired…
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