Questions tagged [hints]

90 questions
3 answers

Will Oracle optimizer use multiple Hints in the same SELECT?

I'm trying to optimize query performance and have had to resort to using optimizer hints. But I've never learned if the optimizer will use more than one hint at a time. e.g. SELECT /*+ INDEX(i dcf_vol_prospect_ids_idx)*/ /*+ LEADING(i vol)…
Stew S
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4 answers

Can specific Delphi hints be disabled?

In Delphi, you can use compiler directives to disable specific warnings, such as {$WARN USE_BEFORE_DEF OFF} But when I tried to do that with a specific hint, whose underscore_style_name I got out of the helpfile, the compiler said it doesn't know…
Mason Wheeler
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2 answers

Use Hints for views?

I have a view and I want to query my view like that to hint some index from a base table,can I do that? I mean: --view create or replace view temp_view as select col1,col2,col3 from table1,table2.... I have an index on table1.col1 called…
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3 answers

sublime text 3 hints as in NetBeans

is there any extension that provide hints (autocomplete) in Sublime Text 3 as it in NetBeans? Not just php functions but all object methods, attributes and so on. Basicly it is usefull when you use OOP, frameworks etc.
Vojtech Lacina
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2 answers

Balloon hints on Delphi app tray icon keep popping up indefinitely

I have a Delphi 2006 app that can minimize to a tray icon, and displays various alert messages via a balloon hint over the tray icon. Under some circumstances - I don't know when - a previously displayed balloon hint keeps popping up and won't go…
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5 answers

Android AutoCompleteTextView shows object information instead of text in landscape mode

I am using a Custom Adapter with AutoCompleteTextView. It works fine on the emulator and my tablet. However, there is an issue on my phone in landscape mode. The auto complete hints being shown in this mode are object info rather than text. However,…
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5 answers

How to force Delphi compiler to display all hints and warnings

Is there a way to force the Delphi compiler to display all hints and warnings all the time? Here is the behavior that I am currently seeing in Delphi 6: Check out fresh copy of my application from source control Open project in Delphi and…
Scott W
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3 answers

How to force oracle to not to use an index

I have a requirement in which i have to force the sql not to use a particular index which exists on a table. for example, create table t1(id varhcar2(10),data1 varchar2(3000)); create table t2(id varhcar2(10),data2 varchar2(3000)); create index…
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1 answer

IntelliJ: How can I always show parameter hints?

I'd like to always be able to see method parameter hints when filling in a method. IntelliJ shows these hints, but they disappear after typing for a bit: How can I make it so these popup hints always appear while typing out the method params?
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2 answers

Prompt with hints in Javascript

I'd like to get some input from the user: keywords = prompt("Input keywords separated by commas", ""); I have many various strings stored in an SQLite database that could suggest the user what to type. Let's say you have an array or list of these…
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1 answer

Creating custom Hint window

I'm trying to find a way to use my 2nd form as a hint window for a component (for example a TLabel) in my 1st form. At the moment, I'm exploring the use of THintWindow and HintWindowClass, but it is not possible to directly assign a TForm to…
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1 answer

SQL Developer stripping inline hints

I'm using SQL Developer 3.1.07. I ran a query to Oracle with an inline hint --+ hint in it but SQL Developer seems to have stripped the hint before submitting it to the database. Multi-line hints /*+ hint */ didn't get stripped. Is there an option…
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2 answers

How to fetch all hits in

I want to fetch all hits from lucene. Is there any wild card character which fetches all records?
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2 answers

In the UPDATE statement, are NOLOCK hint honored in the FROM clause?

Given the following update statement: UPDATE @TableVariable SET city = FROM @TableVariable TV INNER JOIN dbo.TABLE_1 T1 WITH (NOLOCK) ON (TV.customer_id = T1.customer_id) INNER JOIN dbo.TABLE_2 T2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON (T1.address_id =…
Jim G.
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1 answer

Vim: Show function hints or signature for PHP

I've got my nice PHP syntax highlighting all set up and it looks great. What I need now is the ability to show built-in function signatures or hints while typing. This is so common in so many IDEs, I would think somebody has a plugin to do this for…
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