Questions tagged [delphi-2009]

Delphi 2009 is a reference to a specific version of Delphi. Delphi 2009 was released in August 2008, and is available as a stand alone product, or as part of RAD Studio 2009.

Delphi 2009 is a reference to a specific version of Delphi.

Delphi 2009 was released in August 2008. Delphi 2009 is available as a standalone product, or as part of RAD Studio 2009.

Delphi 2009 codename is Tiburón.

Some of the major features of the Delphi 2009 release include:

  • The change from ANSI strings to Unicode strings as the default string type.
  • Introduction of Parameterized Types or "Generics".
  • Anonymous functions.
  • Dropping support for the Delphi for .NET personality, which was replaced in Embarcadero's product line by Delphi Prism using RemObject's Oxygene compiler for .NET Support.

Delphi 2009 was preceded by Delphi 2007 and succeeded by Delphi 2010.

956 questions
1 answer

Delphi 2009 - create a delay of over an hour?

My program needs to send about 600 emails out. As my ISP only allows 400 in each hour I need to send say 300 of them, wait for an hour and send another 300. I don't really want my program hung for an hour as the user might want to do something else…
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Blue dots (Compiled lines indication) not visisble for DLL writen in Delphi 2009

I have a DLL writen in Delphi 2009. When I compiled it, .dll file was created successfully but no blue dots shown in source (IDE). And when was trying to debug it by attaching process, break point got disable.
1 answer

How do I use JCL after installing

I have just installed JCL v2.4.1.4571 in D2009 (using the Install.bat file) from There was a lot of 'progress activity' in the installation screen so I guess all went well. My question is how do I…
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Problems with Delphi 2009 + HidD_GetSerialNumberString

I am having problems getting HidD_GetSerialNumberString to simply give me the serialnumber of some devices. On some devices it works fine, but on others all I get is "ÿÿÿ" as the serialnumber. I am suspecting it has something to do with Delphi 2009…
Lars Bargmann
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delphi compiling error "[DCC Error] ProjectName.dpr([number]): E1026 File not found: 'FileName.dn'

What is dn file? why is delphi loooking for a file that should not be there(well I didn't create one)? and how could it be fixed (compile)? The error was generated after adding into existing project, a new file.
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2 answers

Delphi: TDBGrid not update

I had a form which has a DataSource,AdoQuery,AdoConnection,DBgrid plus couple edit and a memo. User enter his username,street address, etc.. and hit 'save' button. On that time the application is write the details in a comma separated txt file,…
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2 answers

Delphi timer - not so simple

I am using Delphi 2009 on Windows 10. I have a simple timer (JvTimer, but same problem with TTimer) with its Interval set to 1000ms in the Object Inspector. It is showing a countdown in a label. I have done this many times, but for some reason it…
1 answer

Delphi DbGrid order by ID

Am showing data from database in DBGrid and in my Command text. I want to display data in ascending but all time is descending i dont know whay. In command text in Client DataSet i set: SELECT * FROM groups ORDER BY ID ASC but when i compaile and…
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How to dynamically make multiple Labels, Edits and etc. in Delphi?

I want users to create their own list of controls such as TEdit, TCheckBox, TLabel, and other things. But how can I make another, when I have to predefine every control, but I don't know how many objects to define?
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Why Delphi Excel OLE functions does not correspond to the specificiation?

I am trying to copy-paste from one Excel into another Excel programmatically from the Delphi code, the extded question and the source code is in Excel Copy-Paste from Delphi (OLE) with all the formatting? It is possible to copy-paste the…
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4 answers

How would I port this delphi 7 prog to .net (C#)? The source acts like its missing a ton of stuff I can't find like uh TBX and some other things I don't really know the language, but I have hoping I could get it to compile with delphi…
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