Questions tagged [delphi-10.3-rio]

Delphi 10.3 Rio is a specific version of Delphi released in November 2018.

Delphi 10.3 Rio supports development of applications covering 32-bit and 64-bit, 32-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit, 32-bit, and server 64-bit. Windows applications may be built using either the framework or the (FMX) framework, whereas the OSX and mobile platforms are built under the FireMonkey framework only.

This version of Delphi brings several enhancements to the core Delphi pascal language, including inline variable declarations and type inference, as well as RTL performance improvements, and changes to Delphi's ABIs for better C++ interoperability across all platforms. It also sports several IDE UI redesigns, better High-DPI support to the VCL, support for iOS 12 and Android API level 26+, and begins Embarcadero's push to phase out its ARC memory management model for TObject classes, starting with the Linux 64-bit compiler.

Always use the tag alongside this tag.


484 questions
1 answer

Disable close icons on editor tabs?

After upgrading from Delphi Tokyo 10.2.x to Rio 10.3.1, the tabs for the files in the editor now have close icons: Close icons in Delphi Rio 10.3.1 - Mouseover makes others visible/active No close icons in Delphi Tokyo 10.2.x Especially with…
Jan Doggen
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1 answer

How to create an instance of every form in my project?

I have ported an application from ADO to FireDAC applying several RegExp replaces on the source code to convert the ADOQuery, ADOTables, ADOCommands, ADOStoredProcs, etc. ... to the corresponding FireDAC components. It has worked fine, but now when…
Marc Guillot
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1 answer

How to do Unicode decoration on a Delphi memo

I have a small Delphi 10.3.3 app that has some text editing functions, using a TMemo where the user type the text. I'm trying to include some formatting options, something as this site provides…
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Display language of current user (in English) using Delphi?

Some Windows computers have multiple display languages installed. I can get the current user's UI language in that language using the function: function GetUsersWindowsLanguage: string; var WinLanguage: array [0..50] of char; begin …
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How to invoke a VBscript function from pointer obtained by Getref in a Delphi COM server app

I have a COM server App that and need to link callbacks to specific events which are late bound. My test VB script is as follows Sub Main dim Frm Set Frm=NewForm("Form1") Frm.OnActivate = getRef("Frm_OnActivate") a= Frm.Showmodal end…
Andy k
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1 answer

TBitmap.SaveToFile is changing a bitmap

I use Delphi 10.3. This code works just fine. It loads a 32bit BMP with alpha channel and displays with proper transparency: Bmp := TBitmap.Create; Bmp.AlphaFormat := afDefined; Bmp.LoadFromFile('bbb.bmp'); …
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1 answer

Transparent PNG image loaded from resource file, resized with Grapics32 and drawn on the Canvas

I need a little help... I have a transparent PNG image in my application resources. Until now I was loading it in a TPngImage and draw it on the screen with Canvas.Draw(X, Y, PngImage);. And it was drawn transparently. Now I updated my application…
Marus Nebunu
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0 answers

Delphi 10.3: unable to open DFM in IDE, out of memory

I'm developing a project in Delphi Rio 10.3 Community and it currently has 24 units. This particular form I'm having problems with contains 28 frames of the same type, each containing a TChart component with a few buttons and checkboxes (print…
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3 answers

How to invoke native camera in Delphi Android application?

I'm using Delphi 10.3 Community Edition to write a simple Android app and trying to invoke native device camera, but getting an error instead. I'm following the official Delphi guide: On the Form Designer, select the button (for taking a photo). …
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2 answers

Save desktop layout in Delphi Community Edition

I am wondering if it is possible to save a Desktop Layout while using Delphi 10.3 Community Edition. I am doing this process, but I am not finding the Save Desktop Layout Option. View --> Desktops --> Save Desktop Layout EDIT Answer by Uwe Raabe
Soon Santos
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1 answer

How can I overcome memory leak in accessing TWebBrowser.Document in Delphi 10.3.3

I'm using this code from StackOverflow (How can I get HTML source code from TWebBrowser) to get the full response from a webpage: function TMain.GetWebBrowserHTML(const WebBrowser: TWebBrowser): String; var LStream: TStringStream; Stream:…
0 answers

TActionMainMenuBar painting bug when VCL Styles are enabled

There is a critical and easy to reproduce bug in TActionMainMenuBar that only happens when VCL Styles are enabled and I wonder if someone has already seen it and found any workaround. I'm using the latest Delphi 10.3.3 Rio (also happens on 10.4.1…
Alexandre M
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2 answers

How to assign event handler to event property using RTTI?

I have a class that has a few event properties, and another class that contains the event handlers. At compile-time I don't know the structure of either class, at run-time I only get to know the match between event property and event handler using…
1 answer

Extract comma separated units from source code using RegEx

I want to use Regular Expressions to extract information from my source code. Can you help me to build a RegEx that retrieves the units used on the source code ?. Source code sample: unit ComandesVendes; interface uses Windows, Messages,…
Marc Guillot
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0 answers

Making the horizontal scroll wheel work in a VCL application, even with a Logitech MX Master mouse

I am attempting to implement support for the horizontal scroll wheel in various of my own custom VCL controls, but it seems to be tricky, at least if you are using the Logitech MX Master mouse. To be concrete, let's drop an ordinary TScrollBox on a…
Andreas Rejbrand
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