Questions tagged [delphi-10.3-rio]

Delphi 10.3 Rio is a specific version of Delphi released in November 2018.

Delphi 10.3 Rio supports development of applications covering 32-bit and 64-bit, 32-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit, 32-bit, and server 64-bit. Windows applications may be built using either the framework or the (FMX) framework, whereas the OSX and mobile platforms are built under the FireMonkey framework only.

This version of Delphi brings several enhancements to the core Delphi pascal language, including inline variable declarations and type inference, as well as RTL performance improvements, and changes to Delphi's ABIs for better C++ interoperability across all platforms. It also sports several IDE UI redesigns, better High-DPI support to the VCL, support for iOS 12 and Android API level 26+, and begins Embarcadero's push to phase out its ARC memory management model for TObject classes, starting with the Linux 64-bit compiler.

Always use the tag alongside this tag.


484 questions
2 answers

Calling TThread.Synchronize in main thread

Stealing from Uwe Raabe's article Synchronize and Queue with Parameters I do this: if GetCurrentThreadID = MainThreadID then FDataLogger(IntToStr(lNrItems) + ' elements:') else TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin …
Jan Doggen
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32-bit transparent PNG problem in a legacy Delphi project

I try to modernize a legacy Delphi VCL project using Delphi 10.3.3. I can compile and build the application without any problem. The only problem is backgrounds of transparent PNG are displayed as black in runtime. Here is what I do: Add MainMenu1…
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How send correctly mouse coordinates inside TImage component to Android Path.moveTo() and Path.lineTo() methods?

I found a android code that your goal is simulates an L-shaped drag path: 200 pixels right, then 200 pixels down. These values was predefined on code, how this could be achieved using the mouse coordinates of a TImage component and your events…
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How connect a client app to server app, passing through a third app hosted in a VPS (Virtual Private Server)?

I have a client > server application where are estabilished connections using Socket components (TClientSocket of client connects to TServerSocket of server). Now i wish that clients connect first to a third application (a kind of "bridge of…
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How to compare two dates of dd/mm/yyyy format?

I have two files and want compare yours compilation dates for a future update. Suppose that the new file have a date: 20/09/2019, and old file a date: 19/09/2019. How compare these two date on same format (dd/mm/yyyy)? var UpDate, OldDate:…
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How to draw a border on a FireMonkey TListView object

If you drop a FMX.TStringGrid onto a new FireMonkey form, the grid gets shown with a thin border. If you drop a FMX.TTListView onto the form, there is no border. Neither component seems to have a property for enabling/disabling the border, or…
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HTTPRio.HTTPWebNode.OnBeforePost changed in Delphi 10.3, lost parameter Data

I have a component that uses HTTPRio.HTTPWebNode.OnBeforePost that previously used the data parameter, but in version 10.3 of Delphi this parameter was replaced. Before Delphi 10.3: procedure TNotaBlu.BeforePostHTTPRequest(const HTTPReqResp:…
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1 answer

dirtest example code included in Delphi Rio help. Is there something obvious I have omitted?

I have populated a form with required components and pasted the example code into a buttonclick event. I have added the TStringDynArrayarray and TSearchOption type declarations but I get compilation errors as shown below. unit…
1 answer

How to load a file into a stream on Android knowing its Jnet_Uri?

I'm writing an Android FMX app in Delphi 10.3 Rio. There I'm selecting photos from the gallery (via TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT) and getting back Jnet_Uri entries. I can use those to read image EXIF (with TJExifInterface). Now I also…
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Adding CustomHeader in TRESTClient

I need to add CustomHeader in my restclient to add an apikey. In my code I use (FRESTClient is TRESTClient) FRESTClient.SetHTTPHeader('X-XXX-ApiKey', 'fdfd121231212fds'); but it is not set in my http header when I see it on fiddler. What is the way…
Hugues Van Landeghem
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Upgraded Custom Component won't compile

We're currently looking at upgrading some of our Delphi applications from XE7 to 10.3 and have run into a problem with our custom components. I've tried 2 options. I've copied, opened in 10.3, and re-compiled the original component package. I've…
Dan Kelly
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2 answers

How to print image that is larger than one page

I need to print an image that is aquired from a scanner. When the scan fits on one A4 page, there is no problem and my code prints perfect. However, when the scan does not fits, but needs 2 pages, only one page is printed. The first. This is my code…
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How put 1st item of ComboBox as already selected?

How put 1st item (index 0) of ComboBox as already selected? procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with ComboBox1.Items do begin Add('1st Item'); Add('2nd Item'); Add('3rd Item'); end; end; // PS: Change the Style…
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How capture a window with correct dimensions?

I'm testing for this code example (that use PrintWindow api) to capture a specific window by handle, and saw that window captured is greater than original (when captured with full desktop). There's a possibility to capture the window with same…
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How align mouse clicks X, Y with a specific window handle?

With reference to my previous question, now i have this formula: X := Round((X * ResolutionX) / Image1.Width); Y := Round((Y * ResolutionY) / Image1.Height); // where ResolutionX and ResolutionY is Client screen resolution. to send mouse click…
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