Questions tagged [delayed-paperclip]

13 questions
0 answers

delayed_paperclip not running in the background

I am using the latest versions of both Paperclip (v5.0.0) and Delayed_Paperclip (v3) on Rails 4.2 Everything is working fine except Delayed_Paperclip is not processing the files in the background: Userfile.rb class Userfile < ActiveRecord::Base …
1 answer

delayed_paperclip uses ActiveJob instead of Resque

I have configured Delayed::Paperclip to process Paperclip attachments in the background. I installed and configured Resque and according to the README, Resque should now handle background tasks: Make sure that you have Resque up and running. The…
André Laszlo
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Using Delayed Paperclip With S3 Direct Upload

I'm using Delayed Paperclip alongside direct uploads to S3. My model is called Photo and its attachment is image. Images are uploaded to S3 using JavaScript from the Photo form. The file is stored in the location that Paperclip expects the original…
1 answer

How to use two different method with the same "name" from two different gems on the same rails model?

The app (rails 4.2.7) i'm working on uses both carrierwave and paperclip for uploading image for two different fields on the same data model User (schema below). create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "email" t.string …
0 answers

Delayed::Job ffmpeg hangs when processing large files using delayed_paperclip

I am trying to use delayed_job to process large videos and audio files in the background. For the most part everything works. The only time it runs into any hiccups is when larger files are uploaded (~>200MB) app/models/userfile.rb has_attached_file…
0 answers

Rails FFMPEG - convert to webm gives error for encoder 'libvpx-vp9'

I am testing video conversion to convert video file into mp4 and webm. I have also setup ffmpeg and compiled properly.Mp4 conversion succeeds but webm breaks always complaining as - The encoder 'libvpx-vp9' is experimental but experimental codecs…
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Delayed Paperclip with s3 Missing Bucket Option in Production

I'm trying to used delayed_paperclip to process image resize in the background. This process works in development but in production I get this in my delayed job's last error. missing required :bucket…
1 answer

Validation failed: Video Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError

I have a model with an attached video. I want to create a scaled version of the video along with a series of thumbnails. I have the following setup: has_attached_file :video, styles: { original: { format: 'mp4', processors: [:transcoder]…
Daniel Bonnell
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1 answer

Paperclip Nginx 504 Gateway Time-out

I have a Rails 4 application that allows to upload videos using the jQuery Dropzone plugin and the paperclip gem. Each uploaded video is encoded into multiple formats and uploaded to Amazon S3 in the background using delayed_paperclip, av-transcoder…
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Sidekiq - job stuck in enqueued

I have a rails 4 app. I'm using paperclip and delayed_paperclip with sidekiq. The background job is being picked up by sidekiq but it just hangs forever in the Enqueued queue. This is what I see on…
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Delayed_Paperclip + Sidekiq + Mongoid-Paperclip

I'm working on an Rails 4.1 engine that handles user uploads of photos and videos. I'm using Mongoid-Paperclip to handle the uploads and Paperclip-av-transcoder to encode the videos into several formats. All files are stored at S3. All of that works…
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ActiveJob::SerializationError with ActiveUUID

I'm getting the following Error: [ActiveJob] Enqueued DelayedPaperclip::Jobs::ActiveJob (Job ID: 78975c5c-7da2-4a70-a156-91cda1c53013) to DelayedJob(paperclip) with arguments: "Video", #
1 answer

Paperclip::Tasks Error on Heroku running Delayed Paperclip and Delayed Job

When Heroku starts up, I receive the error: /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/delayed_paperclip-2.9.0/lib/delayed_paperclip.rb:81:in `paperclip_definitions': uninitialized constant Paperclip::Tasks (NameError) When running Paperclip and…
Marina Martin
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