Questions tagged [carrierwave-backgrounder]

9 questions
0 answers

Sidekiq job not being added to queue after record commits for carrierwave-video

I setup carrierwave_backgrounder, carrierwave-video, and carrierwave-ffmpegthumbnailer to encode video files after the initial record is inserted into the database (postgresql). The issue that I am having is, I can only start the encoding process in…
1 answer

How to use two different method with the same "name" from two different gems on the same rails model?

The app (rails 4.2.7) i'm working on uses both carrierwave and paperclip for uploading image for two different fields on the same data model User (schema below). create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "email" t.string …
1 answer

carrierwave_backgrounder in Rails 5.2 asset_tmp nil

I have an image uploader on a form, and images upload fine without the background processing. Since moving to Heroku, the larger source images often time out, so I'm looking to move this to a background job. In doing so, I looked at…
2 answers

Is there a way to have a shared (temp) folder between apps or multiple instances of apps on Bluemix?

I am running a Rails app on Bluemix and want to use carrierwave for file uploads. So far no problem as I am using external storage to persist the files (ftp, s3, webdav etc.). However, in order to keep performance well I need to enable caching with…
1 answer

Rails Carrierwave Backgrounder and Sidekiq gems not working

I want to handle uploading document doc's(files) to S3 in the background, but for some reason, it doesn't work for me. I'm currently running this locally. This is my setup: class DocUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base # Include RMagick or…
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Error in creating generator for 'carrierwave_backgrounder:install'

I am creating a generator for the 'carrierwave_backgrounder:install' to process my image in S3. However, I am stuck in a problem When I just use gem 'carrierwave_backgrounder', I am getting the error Could not find generator…
1 answer

carrierwave recreate_versions! corrupts original image

Love carrierwave. When running the recreate_version! the quality of ORIGINAL image is dramatically reduced/corrupted. I need to use carrierwave's recreate_version! to add a new "mobile" version to an existing Photo model via the mount_uploader…
0 answers

Carrierwave Backgrounder consuming AWS EC2 resources

I recently added the carrierwave_backgrounder gem to my project - and since then have seen some usage of my EC2 resources (I previously did not use them at all). How can I instead process versions of my files within the current process (worker) as I…
1 answer

Cannot upload image by carrierwave

I am using carrierwave to upload my image but failed. Please help me. Versions used: rails (4.0.1) carrierwave (0.10.0) carrierwave-mongoid (0.7.1) carrierwave_backgrounder (0.4.1) My uploader: #