I have a rails 4 app. I'm using paperclip and delayed_paperclip with sidekiq. The background job is being picked up by sidekiq but it just hangs forever in the Enqueued queue.
This is what I see on sidekiq:

{"job_class"=>"DelayedPaperclip::Jobs::ActiveJob", "job_id"=>"946856ca-c90e-4bb4-9f41-1f1e59269acb", "queue_name"=>"paperclip", "arguments"=>["User", 109, "avatar"]}

In my User model I have:

  process_in_background :avatar


worker: bundle exec sidekiq

I have read all related issues to this question and still couldn't figure out the issue. Thoughts anyone?


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1 Answers1


You've enqueued the job to the paperclip queue but you have not configured Sidekiq to pull jobs from that queue:

bundle exec sidekiq -q default -q paperclip
Mike Perham
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