Questions tagged [default-browser]

A default browser is the web browser that is launched whenever a url link is clicked in an application.

41 questions
3 answers

xdg-open not open default browser

I have the following scenario: Ubuntu 16.04 machine with firefox and chrome installed, chrome being my default browser. I check this actions in the shell : cat /usr/share/applications/defaults.list cat /etc/mailcap cat /.config/mimeapps.list cat…
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1 answer

Expo: Default browser for expo start

Is there a way to change the browser in which the Expo interface (http://localhost:19002/) opens after expo start? My default browser is Firefox, which I use for my private life. My work and coding browser is Chrome. Is there a way to tell Expo to…
J. Hesters
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4 answers

Unable to set Chrome as default web browser in OS X

On my Mac (Catalina Version 10.15.5), I'm not able to change my default browser to Google Chrome. When I go to Settings -> General, under Default Web Browser, I only see options for Safari and Firefox. When I open my Chrome settings and click on…
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PyQt: How to load a url from a menu item

I have a main window with some buttons and a plot. I added a file menu, using Qt Designer. Now, if I run my app, everything is good and I can see a typical menu bar. The problem is, I want to click on the menu bar and perform an action - I want to…
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How to set program.exe as a default browser in Windows 10?

I need to set my program.exe as a default browser in Windows 10. I can't find the way how to do that. Even with regedit. Please give some advice how to do that? Thanks!
Quanti Monati
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How to set the default browser to my application?

I have made a program to handle http links. How do I set the default browser to my exe? I only need to change the http protocol, not file associations. I have already setup command line argument handling. I do not want to use a .reg file since it…
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Open link in default browser with and set window size from webView in cocoa

I have a button in my webView, which does the following: myButton.onClick = function(){"",'about:blank','Popup_Window','width:200,height:200'); } Basically it just tries to open another window. I catch this click in…
Nava Carmon
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How do I set the default browser for xdg-open on Centos 7 if xdg-settings has no desktop environment

There are many questions similar to mine (e.g. xdg-open not open default browser or xdgutils - xdg-settings not setting default-web-browser in gentoo, but none of the answers helped in my case. Therefor I ask for my particular situation: On Centos…
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Cannot open Swagger API in browser

I am trying to set up Swagger in a VM/Vagrant box. What I have done is below. i. Port Forwarding using Vagrantfile "forwarded_port", guest: 3000, host: 3000, host_ip: "", auto_correct: true ii. Swagger configuration in a…
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Is it possible to change my default browser (lynx) on a remote server (Linux RedHat 4.4.7-17)? (Plotting in Julia using Gadfly)

I'm using julia and gadfly to draw some plots on a remote server (connected through Putty) and the plots are supposed to open in my default server. They open in lynx, and so don't look like anything really. I'm presuming lynx is the default browser…
1 answer

WPF WebBrowser - open links in default browser

I am using a WPF System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser control to show some HTML content that is downloaded from a service. Sometimes the HTML contains URLs ("a" elements) that should be clickable. By default, when such an URL is clicked it opens in…
Nick Thissen
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3 answers

How to open HTML file with default browser and delete it after user viewed it?

I try to open temporary HTML file with default browser and delete the file then: var tempFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), "html"); // I save document to temp file here... Process process = null; …
Artem Kachanovskyi
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3 answers

ShellExecute hangs opening new browser window if default is Chrome or IE

I used this code (from MSDN) to open the default browser. Private Declare Function ShellExecute _ Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "ShellExecuteA"( _ ByVal hwnd As Long, _ …
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2 answers

How to change the default browser in Windows?

I have created a simple browser in c# for a couple family members. I want to set it as the default browser either from an installer or from the program. I want to do the same thing as Chrome or Firefox does when it asks you if you want to set it as…
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1 answer

How can i set my c# program as default-browser which accepts http/https links?

I want my program to listen for links, which were send by other applications as default browser. I tried out some searchings but i only found this…
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