Questions tagged [regedit]

For issues relating to using the windows registry edit tool or performing registry edit operations.

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It contains settings for low-level operating system components as well as the applications running on the platform: the kernel, device drivers, services, SAM, user interface and third party applications all make use of the registry.

Related commands:


427 questions
9 answers

How can I enable Assembly binding logging?

I'm getting, "Could not load file or assembly 'Bla' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format." A portion of the detailed info says: "WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF. To enable assembly…
B. Clay Shannon
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14 answers

How to launch Windows' RegEdit with certain path?

How do I launch Windows' RegEdit with certain path located, like "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0", so I don't have to do the clicking? What's the command line argument to do this? Or is there a place to find the explanation of…
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3 answers

How to do RegAsm so that it cover 32-bit and 64-bit?

I have a DLL file prepared by C# and my system is Windows 7 64-bit. When i apply the RegAsm its not adding the registry to 64-bit path but only adding it to 32-bit path. "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe" /register…
2 answers

Regedit file format

I would like to document the file format of regedit utility, so data can be merged into the registry. From the command-line you can (silently) merge data from a batch file like this: regedit /s file.reg Exporting from a subkey goes like…
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1 answer

Modifying registry to increase GPU timeout, windows 7

Im trying to increase the timeout on the GPU from its default setting of 2 seconds to something a little longer. I found the following link but it appears its slightly different in windows 7 as i cant see anything mentioned in the webpage. Has…
Hans Rudel
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3 answers

cmd: regedit from cmd

how can i run to a specify path in regedit from cmd? I would like to add a new key to a specific service. Can someone help me? I would like to do this from a c# code, but first i am trying to do it from cmd. Thx i would like to navigate from cmd to…
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6 answers

Get installed software list using C#

I try to get a list of installed application keys: RegistryKey RegKeyUninstallList = Registry.LocalMachine; string strUninstallList = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"; string[] test =…
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1 answer

Add menu item to windows context menu only for text selection

Someone know where can I add registry key for add some function to the right-click menu only when some text is selected? Such as copy,paste,cut function Thanks :)
2 answers

Why is registry written in different location than expected?

I tried to write a registry subkey and its corresponding value to registry like this: const string subKey = @"SOFTWARE\Apple\Banana\"; const string regKey = "pip"; var rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(subKey); if (rk == null) rk =…
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3 answers

how can I run an app automatic after restart?

how can I run an app automatic after restart? (by c# code) I create A new string in 'runOnce' key in registry with the path of the App. the OS run this APP before it load the OS my problem is: My APP loads but explorer doesn't load, after I close my…
sari k
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1 answer

Problems with getting VS10 debugger to jump certain libs?

I'm getting debugger errors when using the boost serilazation library. To fix these I am trying to get Visual Studio 10 to skip the debugging the boost library, after som reading I found out how this coult be achived but the solution somehow doesn't…
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3 answers

Regedit: Find and export keys from command prompt

I'm wondering is there any option via command line to search for a string and export all found keys in Windows registry?
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2 answers

Notepad++ right-click to open file in a new window

How can I configure Notepad++ to open a file in a new window when I right-click it and select Edit with Notepad++ ? I already know I have to launch the program with the -multiInst switch, I just don't know how to add that to the registry mapping for…
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3 answers

How to handle UnauthorizedAccessException from User Code

In a Windows Application I have, I am doing some changes in registry like deleting a particular key, in some test scenarios like in a Vista machine with its UAC put on, I'm getting System.UnauthorizedAccessException. My code would look something…
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1 answer

How to delete the one application's registry key from the regedit using python script?

I'm new to python. I want to delete the key which is in the regedit using python script. regedit tree view for my application key HKEY_CURRENT_USER | |_Software | |_Applications | |_Application …
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