Questions tagged [dcos]

Questions around the DC/OS (Datacenter Operating System). Related tags: [mesos] and [marathon]

DC/OS (Datacenter Operating System) is a distributed operating system that uses Apache Mesos as its distributed systems kernel. It automates resource management, schedules process placement, facilitates inter-process communication, and simplifies the installation and management of distributed services. DC/OS includes a Web UI, a command-line interface (CLI) and a package manager.

Related tags: and

357 questions
2 answers

Marathon vs Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm on DC/OS with Docker containers

I'm looking for some pros and cons of whether to go with Marathon and Chronos, Docker Swarm or Kubernetes when running Docker containers on DC/OS. For example, when is it better to use Marathon/Chronos than Kubernetes and vice versa? Right now I'm…
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5 answers

What's difference between Apache Mesos, Mesosphere and DCOS?

Looks to me that Apache Mesos is a distributed systems kernel, and Mesosphere is something Linux distribution based on Apache Mesos. For example, its like Linux Kernel(Apache Mesos) and Ubuntu(Mesosphere). Am I right about this? and DCOS is a free…
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2 answers

Difference between container port,host port and service port in dcos json in portMappings

I am confused with what all these port signify container port,host port and service port in portMappings, below is my json "portMappings": [ { "containerPort": 9000, "hostPort": 9000, "labels": { "VIP_0": "/app2n:9000" }, …
Kuldeep Dangi
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2 answers

ssh-agent does not remember identities when running inside a docker container in DC/OS

I am trying to run a service using DC/OS and Docker. I created my Stack using the template for my region from here. I also created the following Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y expect openssh-client WORKDIR…
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2 answers

Why consumer hangs while consuming messages from Kafka on DC/OS using Client API for Java?

I installed Kafka on DC/OS (Mesos) cluster on AWS. Enabled three brokers and created a topic called "topic1". dcos kafka topic create topic1 --partitions 3 --replication 3 Then I wrote a Producer class to send messages and a Consumer class to…
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2 answers

Multi regional Azure Container Service DC/OS clusters

I'm experimenting a little with ACS using the DC/OS orchestrator, and while spinning up a cluster within a single region seems simple enough, I'm not quite sure what the best practice would be for doing deployments across multiple regions. Azure…
Trond Nordheim
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1 answer

swarm, kubernetes or mesos for batch processing jobs

My application needs to run a lot of containers as worker nodes (to do various batch processing jobs) and I'm not really interested in keeping up web servers or databases - just short jobs that can take anywhere between 1 second to 1 hour. My idea…
Romeo Mihalcea
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2 answers

Error loading Python lib '/tmp/_MEItueAuk/': dlopen: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.28' not found

I've installed minidcos using below command curl --fail -L -o /usr/local/bin/minidcos && \ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/minidcos when I try to find the version after install to…
Rajkumar Natarajan
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3 answers

How to securely share private docker repo login credentials in Azure container service with Mesos & Marathon

I have setup Azure Container Service using DC/OS + Marathon for deploying Docker containers. So far looks good, I can connect to master node using SSH tunnel and access Mesos and Marathon WebUI as well as hit REST API. Next, I am trying to deploy a…
Anurag Sharma
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3 answers

vagrant: Error getting repository data for C7.6.1810-base, repository not found

I'm following below steps to create mesos - when I run the command minidcos vagrant create ./ --agents 0 I get below error. Error getting repository data for…
Rajkumar Natarajan
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1 answer

Why do containers fail to fetch URIs in DC/OS?

I have created a cluster on Digital Ocean (DC/OS 1.9) using terraform following these instructions here Everything seems to have installed correctly, to pull from a private docker repo, I need to add a compressed .docker file to my /core/home/ and…
Dominic Cabral
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1 answer

DC/OS - authentication vs. api token

As far as i know, DC/OS has two different types of tokens: authentication token: retrieved via a login through https://public-master-ip/login?redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob. This token is used to retrieve api tokens. api token: retrieved…
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1 answer

What's the process of storing config for 12 factor app?

so I have been building my application mostly as 12 factor app and now looking at the config part. Right now as it stands I have separate config files for dev and production and through the build process we either build a dev or production image.…
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1 answer

Mesosphere (dc/os) agent re-connection failure

I set up small test Mesosphere cluster according to this guide everything went smoothly. There are only 3 nodes in cluster, one for bootstrap, one master( and one…
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2 answers

FTP does not work from mesos docker container

I have scala application with akka steams. So the flow of my application is like this: 1. Check if file exists on FTP - I'm doing it with the 2. If it exists stream it via alpakka library(and make some stream…
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