Questions tagged [azure-container-service]

Microsoft Azure Container Service (ACS) optimizes the configuration of popular open source tools and technologies specifically for Azure. It allows you to easily create and host clusters of Docker containers in Microsoft Azure using either Docker Swarm or DC/OS for cluster orchestration.

Microsoft Azure Container Service (ACS) optimizes the configuration of popular open source tools and technologies specifically for Azure. It allows you to easily create and host clusters of Docker containers in Microsoft Azure using either Docker Swarm or DC/OS for cluster orchestration.

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389 questions
3 answers

Azure Service Fabric vs Azure Container Services

I understand that both Azure Service Fabric and Azure Container Services can be used to host microservices through containers. In what scenarios is it practical & cost effective to use one over the other? What are some strong use cases for Azure…
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Difference between Azure Container Service and Web App for Containers

What is the difference between Azure Container Service and Web App for Containers? They both seem to offer a fully managed platform on which we can deploy containers. I feel that Web App for Containers must be offering something more, but I don't…
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Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp [::1]:8080: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Am working on Azure Kubernates where we can store Docker Images in Azure. Here am trying to check my kubectl version, then am getting Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp [::1]:8080: connectex: No connection could be made because the target…
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How can I kick off a container instance using the Azure api?

I have a container building in gitlab and registering itself with the gitlab custom registry. Inside this container is a command that runs a very long time. I would like to somehow deploy this container to azure, and only kick off this long…
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How can I find the service principal secret of my AKS cluster?

Okay, so I messed up, I accidentally ran az ad sp reset-credentials against the Service Principal that our AKS cluster runs under. And now we are getting errors like: Error creating load balancer (will retry): error getting LB for service…
3 answers

"Startup File" on Azure Docker Web App

Is the "Startup File" option on the docker web app options for docker-compose files? or shell commands? I cannot find any documentation for it... Basically I'd like my Web App to run a docker-compose.yml instead of executing docker run [options]…
Jacob Weimer
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Pull image Azure Container Registry - Kubernetes

Does anyone have any advice on how to pull from Azure container registry whilst running within Azure container service (kubernetes) I've tried a sample deployment like the following but the image pull is failing: kind: Deployment apiVersion:…
4 answers

Kubernetes: Failed to pull image from private container registry

I'm using Azure for my Continuous Deployment, My secret name is "cisecret" using kubectl create secret docker-registry cisecret --docker-username=XXXXX --docker-password=XXXXXXX…
2 answers

Scale Azure Container Instance

Is it possible to scale an ACI running container? Problem: We have some old-school Cloud Services (.NET Framework v4.7.1) we're migrating to Docker containers, we've successfully got them running and responding in Azure Container Instances now, but…
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aks ingress address is empty

I created a service call portal, then I create ingress: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: portal-ingress spec: backend: serviceName: portal servicePort: 8080 but the address is empty: NAME …
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Multi regional Azure Container Service DC/OS clusters

I'm experimenting a little with ACS using the DC/OS orchestrator, and while spinning up a cluster within a single region seems simple enough, I'm not quite sure what the best practice would be for doing deployments across multiple regions. Azure…
Trond Nordheim
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Mount a volume while using a docker container in Azure App Service

I've deployed a Web App on Azure and use a Docker Container from the public registry (my own image) to host my website. But users can upload pictures and data is stored in json-files on the server. Of course I want to write these files to a mounted…
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Deployment with docker-compose to Azure using CLI gives timeout when visiting agent page

I have docker-compose file: version: "3" services: app2: image: kamilwit/dockerdocker_app2 container_name: app2 build: context: ./app2 volumes: - app2data:/data environment: -…
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Load balancer PublicIPReferencedByMultipleIPConfigs error on restart

Following along from the Use a static IP address with the Azure Container Service (AKS) load balancer documentation I have created a static IP and assigned it to the load balancer. This worked fine on the initial run, but now I am getting the…
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Unable to deploy specific image to App Service from Azure Container Registry

I have a Linux App Service deployed within Azure, using an image from a private Azure Container Registry. The service was up and running fine, and despite there being no changes to the image (no new pushes), the App Service was redeployed. I…
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