Questions tagged [dcos]

Questions around the DC/OS (Datacenter Operating System). Related tags: [mesos] and [marathon]

DC/OS (Datacenter Operating System) is a distributed operating system that uses Apache Mesos as its distributed systems kernel. It automates resource management, schedules process placement, facilitates inter-process communication, and simplifies the installation and management of distributed services. DC/OS includes a Web UI, a command-line interface (CLI) and a package manager.

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357 questions
2 answers

Access public address of a DC/OS service

I deployed a service on DC/OS with the following config when I access this address ( it says the site can't be reached, although all services are healthy on my dashboard. How can I access the…
Luiz E.
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1 answer

Unable to install Kafka on DCOS

Installing Kafka on DCOS without any custom configuration gives following logs Cluster Configuration is: 8 Private Nodes, 2 Public Nodes 24 Cores Total, 320 GB Ram Total All resources are free. StdErr Output: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found…
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1 answer

How to add additional agents to mesosphere dc/os cluster?

We have Mesosphere DC/OS version 1.7 running on 6 vmware vm's with rhel7 and we would now like to add more agents. We were able to increase from our initial 2 agents(vms) to 6 agents(vms) by running --uninstall from the boot…
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0 answers

dcos chronos spark-submit command to mesos master fails as unauthorized

We are doing spark job submission using the rest api to spark master/cluster manager in dcos cluster The below job works perfect rest end point => service/spark/v1/submissions/create { "action" : "CreateSubmissionRequest", "appArgs" : [ "100"…
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2 answers

Mesosphere local development

I'm currently investigating using Mesosphere in production to run a couple of micro-services as Docker containers. I got the DCOS deployment done and was able to successfully run one of the services. Before continuing with this approach I however…
Tim Specht
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2 answers

Prometheus and cadvisor disk usage for containers not showing

I cannot find any disk usage traces in Prometheus of the containers I'm monitoring with cadvior. All of them have a value of 0. The only ones that have values are the ones with id="/". All the non-root entries are 0. I checked with the…
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2 answers

JVM Optimizations for Docker and DC/OS

I'm moving a bare metal java application (jar jdk8) to docker containers and DC/OS. I am noticing an odd pattern on the dockers, we set -XMX to 32 gig and allocate a 36 gig docker container. Every few hours or so the application will spike in old…
Matthew Essenburg
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1 answer

how to scale down instances based on their uptime with apache marathon?

I find myself in a situation where I have the necessity to scale down container instances based on their actual lifetime. It looks like fresh instances are removed first when scaling down through marathon's API. Is there any configuration I'm not…
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1 answer

difference between dcos-kafka-service and mesos-kafka

I’m doing a POC to deploy Kafka as an application on Mesos Cluster. I came across these 2 codebases on github. One developed by apache-mesos (github page) & other developed by mesosphere and can run only on DCOS (github page). Question: Would like…
1 answer

DCOS Mesos agent fails to retrieve private resources from S3 bucket

I'm trying to deploy applications on a DC/OS stack in AWS, via universe packages. As I understand it, mesos fetcher will attempt to retrieve these resources and containerize them as defined in the marathon.json. These resources are private, and need…
Matt R
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2 answers

DC/OS JMX Access

I have a dc/os cluster deployed to azure. I have deployed to the cluster a container with my java application. But I can't access it via jmx. Let's take the example of deploying a standart tomcat image: 1) I opened a port 8081 according the next…
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1 answer

Statically partitioning the slaves in a mesos marathon cluster

We have multiple kinds of applications running on the same Mesos-Marathon cluster. The applications can be classified into very loosely coupled categories and can almost run separately. They are running on the same cluster considering the easiness…
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1 answer

How to set up Cassandra Docker cluster in Marathon with BRIDGE network?

I have a production DC/OS(v1.8.4) cluster and I am trying to setup a Cassandra cluster inside it. I use Marathon(v1.3.0) to deploy Cassandra nodes. I use the official Docker image of Cassandra and more specifically the 2.2.3 version. First Case:…
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1 answer

DC/OS Marathon constraints hostname list

When I want use "constraints": [["hostname", "CLUSTER", "|2)"]] or "constraints": [["hostname", "CLUSTER", "DCOS-S-0(1|2)"]] In Marathon app name "/zaslepki/4maxpl" has all the time Waiting status So I try use attribute - I…
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2 answers

Chronos can't run a private Docker container

I'm playing on localhost with a DC/OS installation. While everything works fine, I can't seem to run a docker image located inside a private repo. I'm using python to communicate with chronos: @celery.task(name='add-job', soft_time_limit=5) def…
Romeo Mihalcea
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