Questions tagged [dbgrid]

Questions about Delphi visual component DBGrid might have this tag.

236 questions
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How set element align half all form in Delphi 7?

Hello I create a form and put into the form two DBGrid. And set align Left to right of both. When i run the program and maximized window DBGrid width not changing. what i need to change width both of DBGrid to 50% of window?
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how to display to a dbgrid my query in this code?

hello is it possible for this code to display to a tdbgrid the search results in a list like style? (e.g. if i searched for john, all the data conataining john on a certain field will be displayed to the tdbgrid) procedure…
Chunk Chunk
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Keyboard language changes to default when editing a dbgrid with Delphi XE2

Default input language in Windows is English US. If you change to another language (in my case Greek) and then try to edit a cell on a dbgrid it automatically changes to default (English) either just by positioning the mouse on the cell or after…
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Delete and refresh a record in DBgrid where u maintain the same position

I have a small database I'm using dbgo, I have a DBgrid displaying my records, I need to know how to delete a record and refresh the database where the index arrow stays in the same position or at least go to the next? but currently my index arrow…
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Delphi Edit DBGrid and Update Database in Read Only Mode?

So I have a DBGrid filled with an SQL query. I want the query to be read only so the table isn't locked up while the program is running. The problem is when it is set to read only I can't edit the table at all. What I want to do is be able to edit…
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Error when you change the order of columns in Dbgrid

I wrote the code for the form rendering settings database table Dbgrid in another form. It depends on the selected items are defined Chetsklistboks visible columns in Dbgrid. I also wrote the code to move with drag & drop items and columns…
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How to fix owner draw anomaly in DBGrid?

Continuing with the project started in: How to auto fit/scale DBGrid's (or other similar) columns widths according to its contents? I used the @alzaimar answer to auto fit the columns according to their content width, but he showed me how to…
2 answers

Editable DBGrid?

I am a beginner in Delphi and I need help with the following problem. I have to implement an editable DBGrid on my form. The DBGrid displays results from a query joining 3 tables. I managed to make the DBGrid editable but the edits have no effect on…
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Java DB grid component that allows to save/load column layout

Could you please suggest database grid component that allows to save or load column layout (things like sequence, names, width) to/from files. I am also interested in an approach that would allow to implement this functionality using standard…
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Select field from dbgrid

I have a DBGrid that is linked to DataSource (that is linked to TADOTable). All this runs through a TADOConnection and connects to a MS Access The grid contains various values and I would like to edit it when I click on a specific field. I'm not…
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how to show parent category in delphi 2010?

OK, I'm using Embarcadero Delphi 2010. Currently I'm using an Access database file named flib.mdb within that file, I make a table named MCategory which has 4 (four) columns named: codecategory as Text and Primary Key, parentcategory as Text,…
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delphi DBGrid display JOIN results

I am working with BDS 2006,MySQL DB (MyDAC components used for connection) and i have a DBGrid component on my form which displays the records from my DB table. Now i need to JOIN two tables and display the results in my DBGrid The Resulting view…
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DBGrid / DataSet fails to sort as per sql statement set in CommandText

I'm using the following in my CommandText property of the DataSet I'm using: SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY FIELD(priority, 'urgent', 'normal'), FIELD(state, 'wait', 'executed', 'done') It should sort the data I'm displaying in the…
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Delphi - Using DBGrid to select rows from a search

I have searched a database using a query. The results of the search are displayed in a DBGrid component for the user to select the row s/he wishes to proceed with. DBGrid always sets the record pointer to the first record in the results set, so…
1 answer

How do I display values in a DBGrid that are different from those in the database?

PROBLEM I have DBGdrid and there are columns what show ID's from an MS Access database. How can I change them to real values like item name, client name, employee name? I have code (test code, I just tried to get all items names from table and I…
Rinalds Gudriks
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