Questions tagged [dbgrid]

Questions about Delphi visual component DBGrid might have this tag.

236 questions
2 answers

How do I search for values in a DBGrid and use them for an equation?

I recently made a very basic "Client" DBGrid that shows info from an Access database (connected made with an ADOQuery, DataSource,ADOConnection and ADOTable). I would like to know if there is a way that I can search for spesific records (like just a…
L. Blue
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Delphi DBgrid Expand/Collapse

I'm trying to implement an expand/collapse option in the Delphi DBGrid. Sadly it is not a default supported option. The data used for display is comming from an ADOStoredProcedure. The function has to be made for the DBGrid, using a alternative…
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delphi using dbgrid to view a record on a detail page

I have a form with a dbgrid and a second form with dbedits. My form with the dbgrid has a double click event(code below is the event) the dbedits on the second form has a data source that is connected to the first form's CDS and when I compile and…
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Draw the DBGrid (replacement image from the resource)

I need your help. Draw method the DBGrid. I have table DBGrid. How? To my method "DrawDBGrid", add my method "LoadDefaultImage" If there is no file path (image), a replacement image from the resource will be displayed. My…
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Delphi DBgrid change column width

I have problem with column width in dbgrid in delphi. I get result from database and i has three columns ID, Name, Description. Name and description has width about 2000+. I try to change in DBGrid > Columns > description > width = 300 but not…
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delphi DBGrid cell not empty

In my form, i have a TDBGRid, TDatasource , MessageTable and 2 button. I have a button to add new row in my DBGRID : MessageTable.Append; MessageTable.Edit; MessageTable.FieldByName('FieldName').AsString := sName; MessageTable.Post; The second…
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Refresh a DBGrid VB6

I'm trying to refresh my DBGrid after I've clicked a button to delete all the data. I've tried refresh with no results. I've tried Refresh on the DBGrid1 and on the Data object and even on the Form.
1 answer

delphi DBGrid set focus on current cell

I have a dbgrid. I want to set a focus on the current CELL when i get error on datachanged event in my DataSource. My code in the OndataChanged event is : if (Field.Text = '') then begin …
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Delphi DbGrid order by ID

Am showing data from database in DBGrid and in my Command text. I want to display data in ascending but all time is descending i dont know whay. In command text in Client DataSet i set: SELECT * FROM groups ORDER BY ID ASC but when i compaile and…
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Automatic file saving from a DBGrid in Delphi - How Possible

I want to know whether there is a way to perform an automatic file saving without any dialogs. I know how to manage with the JvDBGridCSVExport-Object the exportings and savings from a JvDBUltimGrid, but like I said I want savings without any Dialogs…
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Deleting Records in a dbGrid Delphi 2010

I am looking for a solution to a rather serious problem I'm facing; I want to delete a record in a dbGrid but when I click on my coded button and confirm 'Delete', I find no immediate results. In order to find the result of the deleted record, I…
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