Questions tagged [datecreated]

44 questions
6 answers

How to get File Created Date and Modified Date

I have an .NET EXE file . I want to find the file created date and modified date in C# application. Can do it through reflection or with IO stream?
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How to change created_at format

This should be a simple thing. Well, Im sure it should be simple, this is rails. The problem is: in the model all data has a field created_at. to retrieve this info in the view I use a block, where is a line t.created_at. It shows me a result like…
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5 answers

DateCreated column in Sql Server?

Is there a special way to declare a DateCreated column in a MS Sql Server table so that it will automatically fill it with the appropriate time-stamp when created? Or.. do I have to provide the datetime to it when I do the query, manually?
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2 answers

PowerShell: Change the timestamp (Date created) of a folder or file

For PowerShell commands on Windows 10, I encounter a strange behaviour. To change a file's Date created, I use: Get-ChildItem C:\testFile1.txt | % {$_.CreationTime = '01/11/2005 06:00:36'} To change a folder's Date created, I use: Get-Item …
Bart Simpson
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1 answer

With python, How to read the "date created" of a file?

I am writing a short script in python that will scan through a list of folders for image files and then re-organize them. One of the optional way of organizing them i wish to have is by the date they are created. Currently, I am trying to read the…
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3 answers

How can I find the newest .pl file in a directory and all its subdirectories using Perl?

How can I scan an entire directory's contents, including its subdirectories' contents, and find the newest .pl file within them using Perl? I want to build a sorted array/list of the full file paths of all .pl files within a directory tree. So, for…
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Magento - look up products created in the last hour

I'm trying to look up products created in the last hour. I'm able to sort products by created date like so: $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product') ->getCollection() ->addAttributeToSelect('*') ->addAttributeToSort('created_at',…
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4 answers

Getting the original files create date upon upload

We have a process in place that uploads files to our website. It has become important to the users to be able to see when those files were created. I'm looking for a way to extract the original create date from the HttpPostedFile. If anyone has…
1 answer

Modifying Creation Date from Filename for mp4 videos

I have a bunch of DV avi videos which I want to cut together. I managed to save the Creation Date out so the videos are named after their creation date. So after I cut them together, I still have the original date of the creation. But then I would…
Balázs Orbán
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1 answer

Batch script loop through specific type of files in current directory and get the latest created and next latestcreated files and so on

I have following script to loop through specific type of files and get information about date and time of their creation: @echo off setlocal call :getCreationInfo cmd /k :getCreationInfo for /f "skip=5 tokens=1,2,4,5* delims= " %%a in ('dir /a:-d…
Vicky Dev
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1 answer

External file properties not updated - VBA

I have a macro that reads out external file properties like date created. The file from where I read is stored on a server. Unfortunately the date returned is not the correct one when running the macro the first time. Only when I open the file or…
0 answers

Spring data elasticsearch auditing using annotations

I am using spring data elasticserch to persist the documents into elasticsearch. Following is my document structure: @Id private String id; @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") @Field(type…
Darshan Mehta
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1 answer

Can I customize column names for an abstract domain class in Grails?

I have an Abstract Domain Class in Grails wich has fields that all the other class will use, so the other class extends of it. This field are audit fields. So I use the automatic timestamp fields: dateCreated and LastUpdated and two other String…
3 answers

In XSLT, how can you get the file creation/modification date of the XML file?

I would like to know the file creation/modification date of the XML file currently being processed by my XSLT code. I am processing an XML file and producing an HTML report. I'd like to include the date of the source XML file in the HTML…
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1 answer

How to read Last Modified Date in a file on S3

i want to read last modified or created date in a s3 file. i have seen the coding to list all files but i wanted to find a specific file's modified date. i used this coding to retrive the s3 file S3Object s3ProfileObject = s3Client.getObject(new…
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