Questions tagged [file-search]

This tag can refer to the process of searching a system for a specific file or the process of searching the contents of a file for specific keywords.

This tag can refer to

  1. The process of searching a system for a specific file.

  2. The process of searching the contents of a file for specific keywords.

179 questions
14 answers

How can I use grep to find a word inside a folder?

In Windows, I would have done a search for finding a word inside a folder. Similarly, I want to know if a specific word occurs inside a directory containing many sub-directories and files. My searches for grep syntax shows I must specify the…
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8 answers

How to make eclipse "File Search" to also search inside source jars containing some text?

I am working on a (Java) project in which I have many jars which have a source-jar file attached. Is there any way to make the eclipse "File Search" search for Java files (and txt, xml etc. for that matter) containing some string literal inside…
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11 answers

Fuzzy file search in linux console

Does anybody know a way to perform a quick fuzzy search from linux console? Quite often I come accross situation when I need to find a file in a project but I don't remember the exact filename. In Sublime text editor I would press Ctrl-P and type a…
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8 answers

Recursive File Search (PHP)

I'm trying to return the files in a specified directory using a recursive search. I successfully achieved this, however I want to add a few lines of code that will allow me to specify certain extensions that I want to be returned. For example return…
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3 answers

Recursive File Search in .net

I need to search a drive (C:, D: etc) for a partuicular file type (extension like .xml, .csv, .xls). How do I preform a recursive search to loop all directories and inner directories and return the full path of where the file(s) are? or where can I…
Saif Khan
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4 answers

Fast text search in over 600,000 files

I have a php, linux server. It has a folder called notes_docs which contains over 600,000 txt files. The folder structure of notes_docs is as follows - - notes_docs - files_txt - 20170831 - 1_837837472_abc_file.txt -…
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3 answers

Eclipse Maven showing multiple paths for the same file

Is there any setting in Eclipse to show only the Maven project where the file resides? I have different Maven projects which are modules of a parent Maven project: projParent |-projWeb |-projModel |-projServices |-... If I look for a…
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2 answers

Recursively search all directories for an array of strings in php

I am new to PHP coding and here am looking for fastest way to do recursive search on all directories for an array of strings. I am doing this way $contents_list = array("xyz","abc","hello"); // this list can grow any size $path = "/tmp/"; //user…
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5 answers

Open Type (Ctrl+Shift+T) in Eclipse from every window

If I type Ctrl+Shift+T in Eclipse, an Open Type window opens. But this works only if I am in a Java file (or in the Package Explorer area). I want to open the same window when I press Ctrl+Shift+T regardless of the resource (E.g.: if the open file…
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2 answers

Smart image search via Powershell

I am interested in file searching by custom properties. For example, I want to find all JPEG-images with certain dimensions. Something looks like Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Filter *.jpg -Recursive | where-object { $_.Dimension -eq '1024x768' } I…
Oleg Svechkarenko
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1 answer

vifm search files in subfolders

How can I search files just like / command but recursively scanning subfolders. Or maybe there are other approach how can I get a list of files that match some pattern in current folder including all subfolders.
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2 answers

Vim: Search in Open Buffers

One features I like with Visual Studio is the ability to search in open files only. For example, if I recently did changes to some files and I would like to trace those changes, I might search for a certain word, but only in those files to avoid…
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2 answers

how to search for a file with php

First thing is first. I am not a php developer this is something that is needed for my job so I took it on and I am learning as i go Right now we have an excel sheet that holds links for a manuals for the items we make and these have to be updated…
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5 answers

Visual Studio - How to search in pending changes files?

I've made plenty of changes in my solution, using TFS, and i want to search something, but only in the files which I've edited (which appear in the "Pending Changes"). There is only an option to search in specific directories of the solution but not…
4 answers

How to count test cases written with pytest?

My objective is to get the number of test methods in a package/folder. I'm able to do that by executing py.test --collect-only|grep collected This shows the test count as collected 104 items However this counts the parameterized test…
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