Questions tagged [dashboard]

A dashboard is a user interface that organizes and presents information in a way that is easy to read to the user of a website. A dashboard typically indicates items which require urgent actions at the top of the page, moving into less important statistics at the bottom.

See Dashboard (web administration) on Wikipedia.

2353 questions
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Customise odoo 12 dashboard

I am creating dashboard in that I want show form view. the code for dashboard is as follows:
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Dash python live updating table

I have DatePickerRange and DataTable in my Dash, i need live-updating my DataTable when i changing my DatePickerRange. I have code: dcc.DatePickerRange( id = "date-picker-range", start_date = ("2019-3-1"), end_date_placeholder_text="Select a…
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Azure Stream Analytics : Select data with the last timestamp only

I'm working on a way to stream status of some jobs that are running on an HPC resource (sort of like trying to create a dashboard to look at real time flight status). I generate and push data every 60 seconds. Unfortunately, this way i end up with a…
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Can a Dashboard Designed by DevExpress Winforms Designer be opened by DevExpress web Dashboard viewer?

I'm developing some web apps using ASP.NET MVC and the reporting is done using External plugin "DevExpress". I have completed some of the reports. but Dashboard is required so when I start using the DevExpress web Dashboard Designer, It's not that…
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How to view Roles and ClusterRoles details in kubernetes dashboard

I am using kubernetes dasboard in version: v1.10.1 When I go to "Roles" tab I can see a list of ClusterRoles and Roles. I would like to see more details about a particular role from the list, but I do not see any "details" button. I want to see…
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Callback error when creating a dashboard using dash

I am trying to build an interactive dashboard using dash. I would like to show a scatterplot with each plot representing a fighter, the y axis the number of fights won and the x-axis the number of fights fought. I want to allow users to select…
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Running dash on JupyterLab returns an error

I tried to follow an example of building a data dashboard from here. This is the code run on JupyterLab. import dash from dash.dependencies import Input, Output import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html But,…
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2 answers

Hot folder - How to check the status of ingested files into Hybris?

In our current production system, we have several files that will be processed by Hybris hotfolder from external system on a daily / hourly basis. What is the best way to check the status of each file that is being processed by hot folder? Is there…
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Jmeter - Append MyValues to Dashboard Report

I have a question regarding Jmeter Dashboard Report. I want to append a value into a chart. I'm using sample_variables and display custom graphs, but I can't find a way to display my custom graphs into build-in graphs like: 'Response Times Over…
1 answer

Is there a way to use nested reactivePoll inside a reactive/observe to render a plot dependent on changes in DB and on UI both

For my current requirement I need a plot on some data which I am fetching from mongodb, and I am watching for changes in db using reactivePoll to db. In addition to this I now want to add a date filter on the UI according to which the plot would…
Mousam Singh
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How To Restrict Access To Some Report Tiles On A Power BI Dashboard

Scenario: I have approximately 30 reports I need to share with users. I want to build a dashboard of tiles for these reports so that the dashboard link can be shared but only some users will have access to some reports on the dashboard. i.e. not…
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Nested grid with 2 section displays inconsistent rows sizing and overlaps elements

I'm currently laying out a dashboard web application and decided to use nested grids. The idea is to have the grid display 27 raws and 5 columns. The menu (1st subgrid) should span on the first column and the rest of the columns should contain the…
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http_request_duration_seconds_sum / http_request_duration_seconds_count shows 2 graphs

I have a Grafana dashboard, where I try to plot some of the prometheus metrics. I am trying to calculate the average response time for 2 endpoints using the formula: http_request_duration_seconds_sum / http_request_duration_seconds_count but when…
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Opencart 3.x Cache-Control with $this->request->get

Using Opencart I have developed a module which displays a list of products in the admin section of Opencart. Each product has a button next to it - The button action is as…
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Export to PDF Power BI Dashboard for all slicer options

I have a single page dashboard with 2 different slicers, one for country and the other for year I would like to export to PDF for all possible combinations of the slicer selection. Is that programmatically possible? Using R or Python or any other…
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