Questions tagged [core-bluetooth]

CoreBluetooth is a framework for iOS and Mac OS X to interact with Bluetooth Low Energy ("BLE") accessories.

The and Mac OS X CoreBluetooth allows developers to interact specifically with Bluetooth Low-Energy ("LE") accessories. The interfaces of this framework allow you to scan for LE accessories, connect and disconnect to ones you find, read and write attributes within a service, register for service and attribute change notifications, and much more.

The CoreBluetooth framework for iOS can work in central role (iOS 5.0+) or in peripheral role (iOS 6.0+).

2350 questions
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Unity - Android 10 - BLE Bluetooth - Background location

I am working on a Unity Android project where I use bluetooth scanning service. I started having problems in bluetooth connection when I upgraded to Android 10 (API 29). I am taking help from this post (link below) where it mentions that with…
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Can any one help me to solve this error in iOS 13.5.1 devices for using CoreBluetooth for ble transmission

================================================================= Native Crash Reporting Got a abrt while executing native code. This usually indicates a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries used by your…
0 answers

iOS ble app unable to advertise on background

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. …
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How to save a bluetooth connection to settings using CoreBluetooth and Swift

I have a device I want to keep connected to my iPhone while the app I'm building is not running. Currently, I'm at the point where I connect to the bluetooth device, hop over to settings, and can see the device there (I'm using the Nordic Thingy for…
Blake Steel
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unable to decode data in iOS which is being advertised from an android able

Android Code AdvertiseSettings settings = new AdvertiseSettings.Builder() .setAdvertiseMode( AdvertiseSettings.ADVERTISE_MODE_LOW_LATENCY ) .setConnectable( true ) .build(); //UUID to…
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Is it possible to scan for nearby BLE devices when iPhone is locked or the app is in background, If yes, how?

I am trying to advertise using one UUID from my App and parallely scan for the same UUID, it works well in Foreground but when the app goes to background or iPhone gets locked, the scanning ain't happening after like one or two minute.
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Swift CoreBluetooth Reading a float array from BLE

I am building an iOS application in swift using CoreBluetooth for BLE communication. I am able to connect, and subscribe to characteristics of an Arduino device. I am able to read data from that Arduino device successfully but it is a single float…
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Unique Bluetooth identifier Xamarin iOS/Android

im making Xamarin Android/iOS application for COVID purposes, i need to detect when another devices are nearby to me (less than 1.5 meters), im calculating the distance with de RSSI, but on iOS i cant get unique identifier to know with ho im…
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Advertise in CoreBluetooth format using the AltBeacon library

I'm trying to achieve inter-os advertising and scanning functionality between Android and ios using BLE. I need to understand what's the process i need to follow for advertising in CoreBluetooth from an Android Device. I've been using AltBeacon…
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IOS BLE write characteristic Issue

I have a bluetooth device with bluetooth dual type, While reading data from device there is no problem, but when i am using CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse or CBCharacteristicWriteWithoutResponse for writing values, it is not changing value on…
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CBCentralManager can not discover a peripheral advertising in background

When an iOS BLE peripheral is in foreground state, centralManager discovers the peripheral correctly, once it enters background state it can not be discovered anymore. Here is how I start advertising on the peripheral device: func…
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In swift how to execute a command to ble device for retrieving a value from it. The commands returns value that will be in string

The brush events shall be stored in a queue on the hardware device. Commands sent to the device are all human readable ASCII commands. All commands shall be carriage return (\r) terminated. If a command is not understood by the device, no response…
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CoreBluetooth can't read characteristic from ESP32

I'm quite new to the ESP32 and Swift 5 so this could be a stupid question, but I can't solve it myself. I used this tutorial and even downloaded the example code. I…
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iOS app using Core Bluetooth scanForPeripherals not detecting Android device

I have a viewcontroller that scans for Bluetooth devices and displays the name and UUID in a table view. It picks up every device but not my Android phone. Is there something wrong with my code or is the Android device blocking me? I've switched the…
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Discover Bluetooth using Predefined UUID in Swift

I'm trying to build an app that discover bluetooth devices in Swift (foreground app). When service uuid is not provided, I could find all available devices, like the code below: centralManager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: nil,options:…
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