Questions tagged [core-bluetooth]

CoreBluetooth is a framework for iOS and Mac OS X to interact with Bluetooth Low Energy ("BLE") accessories.

The and Mac OS X CoreBluetooth allows developers to interact specifically with Bluetooth Low-Energy ("LE") accessories. The interfaces of this framework allow you to scan for LE accessories, connect and disconnect to ones you find, read and write attributes within a service, register for service and attribute change notifications, and much more.

The CoreBluetooth framework for iOS can work in central role (iOS 5.0+) or in peripheral role (iOS 6.0+).

2350 questions
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How to build an android app that acts as a peripheral bluetooth, so I can discover it from iOS application?

I have built an iOS app that uses corebluetooth, and an android app that starts avertisement via GATT server. So Android devices only discover other androids and iOS devices. And iOS devices discovers other iOS' only. The question is how to…
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Find Apple Watch advertising data from another Apple Watch over BLE to calculate distance

I want to catch advertising data (eg. Watch name and RSSI) from another Apple Watch, over BLE. We know that using BLE on Apple Watch can only do Central. They do not need to be connected, just to catch each other advertising data and calculate…
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Getting a String from a byte (Corebluetooth, Swift)

Just making this to see if someone could help me with some BLE problems. I'm trying to make an app which gets the stuff from my rowing machine but I can't figure out how to turn bytes into like a string? Its hard to explain but here's my VC: import…
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Objective C++, how to use runloop in background thread?

Big edit: I think the question can be simplified to--how can I run corebluetooth and initialize CBCentralManager in background thread? Thank you! I am making an an objective c++ application with CoreBluetooth that runs through the commandline, so…
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CoreBluetooth - How to get GATT connection error codes?

I want to get codes from Bluetooth documentation for GATT connection errors. From callback func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, error:…
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CoreBluetooth delegate method never called (objective c++)

I have a unique use case where I am using CoreBluetooth in my C++ application. There are a lot of old tutorials on CoreBluetooth implementation for objective c and my code looks familiar to this. My problem is that after initializing…
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Scan peripheral when app in background (ex. when screen locked)

I have an app which is working in background. I use CBPeripheralManager to Advertising and CBCentralManager to scan. I use two ıos (IOS 11.3 and IOS 13.4.1) device. First one is advertising foreground and background. Second one is scan foreground…
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SwiftUI - Choose a specific service when I scan a device in Bluetooth

Choose a specific service when I scan a device I did a program in which I want to scan a device with a specific service (my device is a thermometer "SHT31" and the service is the battery service "UUID: 180F") but when I run this program on my…
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central.retrieveConnectedPeripherals(withServices:[SERVICE_UUID]) returns nil

I have a BLE reconnection logic that first retrieves connected device using a specific service UUID, if not found, then retrieve the previous connected device with the stored peripheral UUID. If no peripheral UUID found, then central manager would…
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Cannot send value with CoreBluetooth

I'm trying to write value from central to peripheral through CoreBluetooth, but it doesn't work. But I get error, that peripheral has no such characteristic, but it has. Here is CoreBluetooth Extension: CentralManager: extension MapViewController:…
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(CoreBluetooth) Code for some reason will just not continue

I just came on here to see if anyone could figure out why my code just won't work. In my VC (below) my thing won't go past 'Connected to your PM5'. I cannot figure out why, I don't have any errors or anything so idk? stackoverflow said that I need…
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while delegate is either nil or does not implement peripheral:didDiscoverCharacteristicsForService:error: (Corebluetooth, Swift)

Earlier I posted a similar post to this one about a services problem and I got it fixed by adding peripheral.delegate = self. Now I'm having this problem when I try to discover characteristics for the services. while delegate is either nil or does…
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App not printing text after connecting to bluetooth device (Swift)

I'm currently trying to make an app that connects to a bluetooth device and once done prints out the I'm having the problem once it connects it doesn't print out the services and instead prints out "while delegate is either nil or does not…
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IOS ble development

i am developing react natuve application for over 2 years now and have some experiance with IOS development. So after searching the web for possible ble libraries for react native i didn't find a library that does what i need... So i decided to…
1 answer

BLE connection error on Android 6 (Marshmallow) - unable to marshal value BluetoothGattCharacteristic

I am developing an Android app that works with Android Bluetooth LE. I was testing mostly on the newer devices with API 27 and above. The connection worked just fine. I was able to scan and connect to advertising devices. Recently, I got a chance…
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