Questions tagged [altbeacon]

The Open and Inter-operable Proximity Beacon Specification.

AltBeacon is a protocol specification that defines a message format for proximity beacon advertisements. AltBeacon proximity beacon advertisements are transmitted by devices for the purpose of signalling their proximity to nearby receivers. The contents of the emitted message contain information that the receiving device can use to identify the beacon and to compute its relative distance to the beacon. The receiving device may use this information as a contextual trigger to execute procedures and implement behaviours that are relevant to being in proximity to the transmitting beacon.

699 questions
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Is this the correct layout to detect iBeacons with AltBeacon's Android Beacon Library?

I have successfully modified the reference implementation app of the Android Beacon Library using the following beacon layout, so that it detects an iBeacon device that I have at hand: public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override …
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AltBeacon setBeaconLayout()

I would like to know what the Beacon Code stands for. I mean, as far as I know it should identify the beacon layout. Does this mean that I can customize any sort of layout and assign to it any sort of Beacon Code? I mean, can I write something like…
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Android Manifest Duplicate Permissions

We have an app that consists of a third party library (altbeacon), a locally built Android library and an app component. All three components have an AndroidManifest.xml which are merged during the build. The app is built using gradle. THis app has…
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Android BTLE -> Cannot find callback wrapper

I am using Android Beacon Library in my app and I copied, word for word, their example for ranging but I keep getting the error you see below the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am just now getting into BTLE/beacons package…
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Correct layout to detect Kontakt Beacon on Android with AltBeacon

I'm trying to detect a Kontakt Beacon with the following BeaconLayout: setBeaconLayout("m:8-9=0215,i:10-13,i:14-15,i:16-17,i:18-25")); but I don't seem to be doing it correctly. The advertising packet structure is like this: Thanks in advance.
3 answers

What exactly is txPower for Bluetooth LE and how is it used?

I am trying to understand what exactly txPower is and how to use it, since I am planning to develop and Android app that uses Beacons. I have seen 2 definitions online: 1.The transmitted power of the beacon. 2.The received power 1 meter away from…
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Prompting for location permission when NOT monitoring in background?

I'm using the Android Beacon Library. Since Marshmallow, I am seeing the following error, as expected and documented. Permission denial: Need ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission to get scan results I have my ranging code in a…
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Altbeacon library not working on Android 5.0

Yesterday I got the update for Android 5.0 on my Nexus 4, and the altbeacon library stopped detecting beacons. It appears that didEnterRegion and didRangeBeaconsInRegion are not even getting called when monitoring and ranging, respectively. Even the…
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Multipeer Connectivity: iOS and Android

I am working with a team on a cross platform app (Android and iOS). This app is meant to use the concept of beacons and/or mesh networking or multipeer-connectivity. At the moment our team is using Xamarin as our IDE for creating a single code…
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How to detect multiple beacons using Altbeacon android library?

I am using the AltBeacon sample app on my android device - the sample app provided by is here: However, the app when launched is detecting and displaying only one beacon. I…
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Trilateration in Android using iBeacons

We want to implement some kind of indoor position determination using iBeacons. This article seems really interesting, in which the author implemented the Non-linear Least Squares Triangulation, using the Eigen C++ library and the Levenberg…
Lucas Coelho
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Android AltBeacon Background Service Ranging

I am working on a bluetooth app using the AltBeacon library. It seems that only on instance of the BeaconManager is allowed per application. The problem I am facing is this: I want a continuously running background service that constantly does…
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What is the correct BeaconLayout for Estimote and Gimbal beacons

I would like the 2.0 release of the Android Beacon Library to be able to properly detect both old style Estimote beacons (pre-2013 models that did not support iBeacon technology) and Gimbal beacons. I know that Gimbal beacons have encrypted…
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Android AltBeacon library: how to find the beacon layout?

I'm testing with a new type of beacon, and this is what I got from the debug: onScanResult() - ScanResult{mDevice=20:73:2A:09:3E:41, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=26, mServiceUuids=null, mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, 85, 85, 85,…
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How to get visible beacons from the RegionBootstrap AltBeacon method

I'm using the example code on this page ( in the Starting an App in the Background section and I've got a working app. It detects whenever a beacon is in range even on background. The…
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