Questions tagged [core-bluetooth]

CoreBluetooth is a framework for iOS and Mac OS X to interact with Bluetooth Low Energy ("BLE") accessories.

The and Mac OS X CoreBluetooth allows developers to interact specifically with Bluetooth Low-Energy ("LE") accessories. The interfaces of this framework allow you to scan for LE accessories, connect and disconnect to ones you find, read and write attributes within a service, register for service and attribute change notifications, and much more.

The CoreBluetooth framework for iOS can work in central role (iOS 5.0+) or in peripheral role (iOS 6.0+).

2350 questions
3 answers

How many devices we can pair via Bluetooth to iPhone?

Can anyone tell me how many devices can we pair via Bluetooth to iPhone at a time..need help..till now i have not got the exact number.
Brijesh Singh
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4 answers

Core Bluetooth - constant RSSI updates of in-range devices

I just started with the core bluetooth framework for iOS and I'm developing an app that needs to constantly scan for BLE devices so that I can retrieve their RSSI number every minute or so. Currently I have: manager = [[CBCentralManager alloc]…
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3 answers

iOS - BLE Scanning on background freezes randomly

UPDATE 14/08 - 3 - Found the real solution: You can check out the solution in the answers below ! UPDATE 16/06 - 2 - May be the solution : As Sandy Chapman suggested in comments in his answer, i'm able now to retrieve my peripheral at the start of…
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2 answers

how to find Bluetooth audio devices in iOS

Okay, I'm working on a fun project that has a hurdle where I need to enable Bluetooth audio support for my iOS app. The hurdle I'm at is that I simply can't even begin to get a list of connected Bluetooth audio devices. Even though my iPhone 5S…
Michael Dautermann
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2 answers

How can I clear the CoreBluetooth cache on MacOS?

I'm developing a Bluetooth LE device and am having trouble because of MacOS's caching of the services. If I try to delete a service or change its UUID on the device I'm developing, the change doesn't show up on the Mac and instead I continue seeing…
John Stephen
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4 answers

How to wake up iOS app with bluetooth signal (BLE)

When using the BLE with CoreBluetooth (no iBeacon), is there a way to wake an app that is not running when the device receives a Bluetooth signal? I'm simulating a beacon with the RedBearlab's BLE Shield…
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2 answers

iOS CoreBluetooth / iBeacon: Advertise an iBeacon and a peripheral service concurrently

I'm writing an application for iOS that requires that the application advertise both an iOS iBeacon as well as advertise peripheral service concurrently. It's necessary that the service is advertised rather that simply discoverable on the peripheral…
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2 answers

Reading long characteristic values using CoreBluetooth

I have a characteristic value which contains the data for an image. In the peripheral I setup the value like this: _photoUUID = [CBUUID UUIDWithString:bPhotoCharacteristicUUID]; _photoCharacteristic = [[CBMutableCharacteristic alloc]…
James Andrews
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3 answers

iOS playing audio to multiple bluetooth devices concurrently

I've got some bluetooth speakers (similar) and would really like to be able to play to more than one of them concurrently however I can't find a way to do it. I can deploy my own applications so it doesn't necessarily have to be accomplished through…
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5 answers

Run iOS 6 device as a BLE peripheral

As we know, iOS 6 support running devices (iPhone 4s and above, and new iPad) as a BLE peripheral. There is a demo in WWDC 2012 Session 705 called "advanced core bluetooth". I asked for the source code from Apple. They sent me a modified version of…
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3 answers

Bluetooth Low Energy encryption and data safety

I need to send some sensitive data over a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) data connection between a smartphone (iOS & Android) and an embedded device (CC2540 chip). Since I don't consider the app-code on the phones to be safe from hacking, I need to…
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2 answers

Can iOS do central and peripheral work on same app at same time?

Can iOS (iPhone or iPad) app have Core Bluetooth (BTLE) central manger and peripheral manager objects at same time? Can they operate asynchronously, or does main app thread need to make them share (switch back and forth). Sharing conceptual…
Doug Null
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4 answers

How get the list of paired bluetooth devices in swift?

I need to get the list of paired bluetooth devices(iOS Devices) as same as the list in 'Bluetooth' section in iOS settings as shown in below picture. Is it possible? Have you seen any apps doing this type of functionality? I have tried the…
2 answers

How to detect with CoreBluetooth when a peripheral disappears?

I would like to have a list of ble devices to which my iOS can connect, which refreshes when ble devices appear and disappear. In order to do that, I created an NSMutableDictionnary* peripheralsAvailable, and everytime -…
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2 answers

iOS 8 Core Bluetooth not discovering peripherals

I'm having trouble getting Core Bluetooth to discover peripherals on iOS 8. Same code works fine on iOS 7 device. Initially I thought it would be a permissions issue since I had been doing some iBeacon work and there are some changes in Core…
Rick Roberts
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