Questions tagged [continuous]

A random variable X is called continuous if its set of possible values is uncountable, and the chance that it takes any particular value is zero (P(X=x)=0 for every real number x). A random variable is continuous if and only if its cumulative probability distribution function is a continuous function.


From Mood et al. (page 60, 1974):

"A random variable X is called continuous if there exists a function fX (.) such that

enter image description here

for every real number x. The cumulative distribution function FX (.) of a continuous random variable X is called absolutely continuous".

Mood, A. M., Graybill, F. A., & Boes, D. C. (1974). Introduction to theory of statistics. (B. C. Harrinson & M. Eichberg, Eds.) (3rd ed., p. 564). McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Excerpt reference: Glossary of Statistical Terms from

Tag usage

Questions on tag should be about implementation and programming problems, not about the statistical or theoretical properties of this type of data. Consider whether your question might be better suited to Cross Validated, the Stack Exchange site for statistics, machine learning and data analysis.

393 questions
2 answers

Continuous Performance Monitoring of .NET Applications in Production?

Given a relatively typical .NET 4 system in an SOA environment (i.e. Windows Server 2008 R2, RESTful Web Services on IIS 7, Windows Services for NServiceBus messaging, SQL Server 2008 R2, etc) what are the best practices or de facto solutions…
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3 answers

Stream a continuously growing file over tcp/ip

I have a project I'm working on, where a piece of Hardware is producing output that is continuously being written into a textfile. What I need to do is to stream that file as it's being written over a simple tcp/ip connection. I'm currently trying…
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1 answer

Need opinions on LaTeX and ever upgrading

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1 answer

Create binned variable from results of class interval determination

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2 answers

Android How to run an AsyncTask every second?

I'm new in Android and not really knowing how to deal this problem: I have an AsyncTask which reads a position (X,Y,Z) from a XML file. As this position changes every second, I want, after I push a button (called with "StartListener") to read and…
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2 answers

How to constanly monitor LogCat file?

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2 answers

Continuous gradient color & fixed scale heatmap ggplot2

I'm switching from Mathematica to R but I'm finding some difficulties with visualizations. I'm trying to do a heatmap as follows: short penetration scc pi0 1 0 0 0.002545268 2 5 0 -0.408621176 3 10 …
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3 answers

sql rank only continuous rows

I have a query in which I am ranking the rows on the basis of 3 columns. I am successful in doing so, except that if any row contains same data in those 3 columns, it gives it the next rank even if it is not continuous in the output. I want that if…
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1 answer

python return lists of continuous integers from list

I have a list of integers, and I want to generate a list containing a list of all the continuous integers. #I have: full_list = [0,1,2,3,10,11,12,59] #I want: continuous_integers = [[0,1,2,3], [10,11,12], [59]] I have the following which works, but…
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2 answers

NMAP continuous ping

I need to implement a code which is able to send ping packets each second toward a certain amount of destinations. The problem is that I'd like to ping as much destinations as possible inside 1 second window. For this reason I was thinking if there…
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1 answer

JS counter continuously updating

How to implement a live and persistent number counter on a site So I was looking at this question (^) and I want to do the exact same thing except a little different. I need one of these that counts up 15.8 cents per second from the numb…
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5 answers

How do you continuously deploy a large system consisting of several applications

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1 answer

Change fill/colour for geom_dotplot or geom_histogram with a continuous variable

Is it possible to fill ggplot's geom_dotplot with continuous variables? library(ggplot2) ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, fill = disp)) + geom_dotplot() this should be pretty straightforward, but I've tried messing with the groups aes and no…
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1 answer

Box plot for continuous data in Python

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2 answers

Continuous or categorical data in data science

I am building an automated cleaning process that clean null values from the dataset. I discovered few functions like mode, median, mean which could be used to fill NaN values in given data. But which one I should select? if data is categorical it…
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