Questions tagged [coil]

14 questions
4 answers

Coil ImageView doesn't fit exactly

According to Coils docs, I don't have to make any configuration for my image to fit(). The problem is, that the ImageView is not loading correctly: This is my configuration for the ImageView with Picasso:…
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1 answer

How to get bitmap from URL using Coil?

I want to load a bitmap from URL and then use palette API to get some colors from that. On the documentation page, I cannot find the code for getting bitmap directly! Can anyone help me out?
Chintan Parmar
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Coil Image Loader : Cache Bitmap with a key

I am using Coil Image loading library. My Problem: I am not getting image Url from backend, rather I am getting JPEG encoded String with its name / key. What I was wondering is if there is any inbuilt support for caching bitmap with respect to a…
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Coil in RecyclerView does not load new content on scroll

Help me please. I use Coil to show images in grid RecyclerView. The implementation is very straightforward - in each viewholder.bind() i call image.load(URL). URL is static URL = "" and simply provides a new random…
1 answer

Image Caching With Anroid Libraries

My app is getting a list of movie objects, which includes a movie poster url, and it's displaying those posters and titles, then when a user clicks on that movie, it goes to a movie detail activity, that also has the poster and title, along with…
Paxana Non Grata
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2 answers

Problem with importing Coil into application

I want to import Coil library in my project. I did it like below: android{ compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } } …
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Android COIL loading night placeholder drawable in light mode for an instant

I am using COIL library to load images from URL into ImageView and I am facing an issue when implementing dark mode. In my app, I have a RecyclerView in which every item has an image. Since the load is asynchronous, I have a placeholder drawable to…
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2 answers

How to draw border to an imageview with Coil in Android?

I am using 'Coil' to have circular imageview. I want to draw a circular border to this circular imageview. How to do it with using Coil? This is where I load the image: binding.imageviewFaceDetectionSelfieCircle.load(R.drawable.ic_avatar) { …
0 answers

Migrate coil 1.0.0-rc3 - android kotlin error

I'm trying migrate Coil library to 1.0.0-rc3 version and i get an error : let((T) -> R): R' is only available since Kotlin 1.3.50 and cannot be used in Kotlin 1.3. My kotlin and coroutines version are: 'kotlin' : '1.4.0' 'coroutines' :…
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1 answer

nested recyclerview using paging adapter (paging 3) show wrong image after scrolling

How to solve the child adapter image that changes and show wrong images after scrolling? this is my code Parent Data Class data class Review( val author: String, val date: String, val rating: Float, val comment: String, val images:…
1 answer

Coil is not working with big images in Android 4.4

While I was working with Coil Library I tested the old version of Android and tried to open page where the Coil library is in use. It showed the empty images. Then I tried a different type of images (300x300, 500x300 and etc.) after all I found that…
1 answer

Using Coil library - imageView.draw(canvas) - Software rendering doesn't support hardware bitmaps

This occur when try to draw canvas from imageView which using Coil to load image. Could you help me solve problem? Thank you all fun loadImageFromUrl() { bodyImageView?.load(imagePathServer) } This is code for draw bitmap from…
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1 answer

Picasso and Coil inconsistency in image sizing?

The first screenshot is with Picasso, the second one with Coil (both in latest versions). Any idea why is this happening? Picasso: fit().centerInside() Coil: scale(Scale.FILL).crossfade(true) (I tried with FIT also, same results) ImageView:…
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1 answer

Can coil transform images when creating notifications?

I'm trying to crop an image when building a notification received by the server. At this moment I only have the image url. Here's what I've tried: Coil.load(context, remoteMessage.getImageUrl()) { target { image -> …
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