Questions tagged [nestedrecyclerview]

android: horizontal linear recycler view nested within a vertical recycler view

android: horizontal linear recycler view nested within a vertical recycler view

153 questions
14 answers

Nested RecyclerView. How to prevent parent RecyclerView from getting scrolled while child RecyclerView is scrolling?

I am trying to implement a horizontal recyclerview and each item of the recyclerview will be a vertical recyclerview with a grid layout. The problem that i am facing is that when I try to scroll the child recyclerview vertically sometimes the parent…
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5 answers

Recyclerview binds all views at the same time

I have a vertical recyclerview (with a GridLayoutManager) inside another recyclerview (with LinearLayoutManager). The problem I am facing right now is that, the inner recyclerview (with GridLayoutManager) binds all of it's items at the same time,…
3 answers

Nested RecyclerView scrolling issue

In my application I have vertical parent RecyclerView with few horizontal childs inside its ViewHolders. But I have pretty annoying scrolling issue - after I scroll parent RV vertically I want to scroll one of my child RVs but parent just intercepts…
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4 answers

How to populate different object with same fields or properties in same recyclerview in android

I am going to develop soccer app, and having following json response.(link) I have two different class with different names, but with same properties or fields and want to display one same single RecyclerView. Here I have worldmatch and world having…
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10 answers

Recycler View Inside Recycler View not Scrolling

There is a Recycler View inside the other Recycler View.Both needs to scroll vertically. Outer Recycler view is scrolling properly but inner recycler view is not. Here is the code: LinearLayoutManager mLayoutManager = new…
2 answers

smoothScrollToPosition does not work in nested RecyclerView

I have a recyclerView and each of it's item is a recyclerView. I want scroll to custom position of inner recyclerView at specific condition. I used this code at innerRecyclerView but it didn't…
Masoud Mokhtari
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2 answers

Nested RecyclerView with Multiple View Lagging Scroll

I have a recyclerView with multiple view that each row of that is a recyclerView. When I scroll recyclerView, that is laggy on each row created. Here is some of my code. At below you can see config of main recyclerView: LinearLayoutManager…
Masoud Mokhtari
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2 answers

RecyclerView does not showing all items when its in a ScrollView

I Have 2 RecyclerViews in a LinearLayout inside a ScrollView :
0 answers

Maintain scroll position in nested RecyclerViews

I have a ViewHolder that contains another RecyclerView. This type of the ViewHolder gets reused multiple times. Since the ViewHolder is shared between different items, the scroll position of the RecyclerView is also shared between items. Eg, You…
1 answer

How to test nested RecyclerView (RecyclerView inside RecyclerView) with Espresso

I have implemented RecyclerView(childRecyclerView) inside another RecyclerView(parentRecyclerView), picture blow explains all the implentation: I want to write an espresso test that checks all TextViews inside the childRecyclerView are with the…
1 answer

Scroll nested RecyclerView programmatically to a position

I know how to programmatically scroll a recyclerview to a particular position. But my problem is i have a recyclerview with vertical linearLayout that has another child recyclerview gridlayout with on its each row. Now when i scroll parent…
3 answers

Recycler view items are not scrolling?

I am working on Recycler view and here i placed the three recycler views in a row horizontally in a layout.The issue is second and third recycler view items are displayed but cannot able to scroll even though using nested scroll inside and hereby…
1 answer

Nested RecyclerView doesn't recycle

I have a very complex UI that requires multiple nested lists of lists and so on. Currently i have an outer RecyclerView and inside there is another RecyclerView that is actually an expandable recycler(is a refactored version of this component). It…
1 answer

Update Current Page or Update Data in Paging 3 library Android Kotlin

I am new in Paging 3 library in android kotlin. I want unlimited data. So I found Paging 3 library is helpful in my case. I used PagingSource to create a list. I am not using Room. I have nested recyclerView. I am using PagingDataAdapter with diff…
1 answer

How can i update item of nested recyclerview item?

I have a recyclerview(parent) that populated with some recyclerviews(child) in a fragment and I want to update each of the nested recyclerviews(child) directly from fragment with an action (for example click action), how can I do this in a perfect…
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