Questions tagged [codeship]

A simple to use Continuous Integration and Delivery software as a service. Add this tag, if you have questions regarding your projects on Codeship, or how to use Codeship for your projects.

Continuous Integration & Delivery as a Service

A simple push to your repository runs your automated tests and configured deployments on our powerful machines. From a simple deployment to Heroku to complex Deployment Pipelines for your large infrastructure, all can be set up with ease.

Let Codeship Take Care of the Infrastructure

Use your resources to allow your team to build an amazing product for your customers, which will result in a strong and successful company. Codeship will manage and scale your test and delivery infrastructure and take care of the release process. You’ll focus on what you do best — writing code.

See for more information

234 questions
6 answers

Docker login auth token

I'm trying to get docker login auth from ~/.docker/config.json file. But I can't see auth token in my config.json file. Here is my docker version. docker version Client: Version: 17.03.1-ce API version: 1.27 Go version: go1.7.5 Git…
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3 answers

How to disable output on one of containers?

I am using Codeship CI for my project. I have selenium tests and I am using remote browser from selenium/standalone-firefox but it's producing tons of logs, so I want to disable stdout for selenium/standalone-firefox container. Any ideas how I can…
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Disable Jasmine's fdescribe() and fit() based on environment

fdescribe() and fit() are great for reducing noise when you're working on a subset of tests. I sometimes forget to change them back to describe()/it() before merging my branch into master. (It's okay to have them in separate branch while working on…
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1 answer

SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL on comment with Web Component Tester

I use Codeship to test my project based on the Polymer starter kit v1.1. When I run npm test inside the test pipeline I see the following error: > @ test /home/rof/src/ > gulp…
2 answers

Amazon Web Service CodeDeploy appspec.yml problems

I have a Node.js application which is being automatically deployed to Amazon Web Service through Codeship using the CodeDeploy AWS deployment system. During the deployment process I've set in my appspec.yml for the currently running web application…
2 answers

Feature specs fail only on CircleCI or Codeship continuous integration services

My very basic feature specs are passing just fine locally but failing on CircleCI and Codeship. The tests that are failing: require 'spec_helper' describe 'Authentication' do describe "sign in" do it "is the landing page for…
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bash doesn't load node on remote ssh command

Excuse me if the subject is vague, but I tried to describe my problem to the best of my possibilities. I have my raspberry pi which I want to deploy to using codeship. Rsyncing the files works perfectly, but when I am to restart my application using…
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4 answers

Firebase tools login from command line

I'm using Codeship to deploy a firebase app. In order to do so, I first need to login using the firebase login command. Problem is, I need to login in the browser and then return to the command line and perform the deployment. Is there an automated…
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1 answer

Can not apply DaoAuthenticationConfigurer to already built object

I'm getting this exception: [WARN] - Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error…
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5 answers

NPM install failing with 502 error

This is a rather obscure issue. I have an Angular app that will be running through Codeship for CI. However, when it comes time to run npm install on the Codeship box, npm gives back -npm ERR! fetch failed…
Chandler Freeman
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1 answer

Ansible unable to connect to AWS EC2 instance

I'm trying to use Ansible to connect to an AWS EC2 instance from a Codeship build. This has been working perfectly in another AWS region (eu-west-1) but now I want to setup servers in us-east-1 and I'm getting the following…
Mikhail Janowski
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AngularJS Continuous Deployment Tools

I have been trying out Codeship and Heroku for continuous deployment of an AngularJS application I writing at the moment. The app was created using Yeoman and uses bower and grunt. Initially I thought this seemed like a really good setup as Codeship…
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3 answers

Codeship - Bundle install error (You must use bundler 2 or greater with this lockfile)

I am trying to run some tests on Codeship with Ruby 2.7.0 and Rails The Error: When we try to push a new change, we get a build error that says 'You must use bundler 2 or greater with this lockfile'. What I've tried: To amend this, I tried…
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2 answers

What are appropriate S3 permissions for deploying to Elastic Beanstalk from CodeShip

What are the appropriate S3 permissions to deploy an Elastic Beanstalk app using CodeShip? When deploying a new version to a tomcat app I get these errors: Service:Amazon S3, Message:You do not have permission to perform the 's3:ListBucket'…
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4 answers

Can I skip an AWS CodePipeline build?

I am currently developing a personal project on master. Every time I push to origin master a build is triggered on CodePipeline. As I am the only developer working on this project and don't want to bother with branches at this stage it would be nice…
Joe Hawkins
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