Questions tagged [codeship]

A simple to use Continuous Integration and Delivery software as a service. Add this tag, if you have questions regarding your projects on Codeship, or how to use Codeship for your projects.

Continuous Integration & Delivery as a Service

A simple push to your repository runs your automated tests and configured deployments on our powerful machines. From a simple deployment to Heroku to complex Deployment Pipelines for your large infrastructure, all can be set up with ease.

Let Codeship Take Care of the Infrastructure

Use your resources to allow your team to build an amazing product for your customers, which will result in a strong and successful company. Codeship will manage and scale your test and delivery infrastructure and take care of the release process. You’ll focus on what you do best — writing code.

See for more information

234 questions
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Heroku cannot find private npmjs modules

I'm new to Heroku and I've got an application that has private npmjs dependencies listed in its package.json file like this: ... dependencies: { "@myscope/somemodule": "0.0.1", .... } And I've got my .npmrc file setup like…
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How to deploy to AWS S3 from Codeship?

I have a question maybe a little silly, I'm trying to deploy a static site with codeship but I can't understand the documentation: Currently it's a little…
Israel Barba
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Continuous Deployment with Codeship doesn't recognize environment variables

Recently I started to use Codeship as CI/CD tool for a small website that I am maintaining. I set up my Codeship project to deploy via sftp as described in their guide here. The part where it fails is in the production script. I created a deploy…
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Codeship to run grunt with compass

I'm trying to setup continuous integration with codeship. Our project is a Rails API with an angular app which, for now, is in public directory. In order to work, grunt needs to find compass executable. I would say that setup commands should be: rvm…
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Skipping builds in codeship

I am reading the Codeship documentation about skipping builds. I am struggling to understand the correct format when doing a commit. I want to skip builds because I don't want to go over the 100 free monthly builds. I will run the tests myself…
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How to retrieve sane stdout/stderr logging for Elastic Beanstalk deployment

When I attempt an elastic beanstalk deployment, one of my container_commands may fail. Unfortunately, the elastic beanstalk log eb-commandprocessor.log only reports a non-zero exit status: Error occurred during build: Command 08_collectstatic failed…
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Setting directory owner and permission with appspec.yml through Amazon Web Service CodeDeploy

I'm deploying a Node.js application through Codeship using the CodeDeploy AWS deployment system. I am making use of the appspec.yml file to set the owner and permissions of one of the deployed directory. I want to allow read/write for any files that…
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Continuous integration with Android [Codeship]

I have an Android app source code which uses 1 Android SDK (Obviously) 2 Robolectric (for unit tests) 3 Gradle (for build process) The problem encounter while trying to use the other build process is that I'm required go into my repo and fetch the…
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Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted

I need to integrate a continuous integration system in my Android project, I have seen that CodeShip is a good alternative so I have created and configured a project to compile my Android application using the following script: # Install java…
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Selenium - Uncaught WebDriverError: chrome not reachable

Currently I'm using the follow stack: 1. Selenium Webdriver 3.0.1 (NodeJS API) 2. Mocha 3. Chromedriver 2.25.3 Often when I run my tests in Codeship (continuous integration) I get this error: Uncaught WebDriverError: chrome not…
1 answer

How to prevent git push heroku master?

My workflow encompasses the following steps: Git push (to BitBucket or GitHub depending on the project). BitBucket/GitHub is integrated with CodeShip, tests are run. If tests are ok, CodeShip automatically deploys to Heroku. Everything works fine…
Jonathan Soifer
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Should I SCP my node_modules folder in continuous deployment setup?

I'm building my first continuous deployment setup using to deploy to my Digital Ocean droplet. Codeship's documentation suggests using SCP to clone the production files. My question is: should I include the node_modules folder in the…
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Using docker-compose vs codeship-services in my CI pipeline

I am building an app that has a couple of microservices and trying to prototype a CI/CD pipeline using Codeship and Docker. I am a bit confused with the difference between using codeship-services.yml and docker-compose.yml. Codeship docs say - By…
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Debugging Codeship build that runs fine with Jet

How should I debug a Codeship build that runs successfully with jet steps locally? I make sure to run it on a fresh checkout, so it starts in the same state as Codeship. My process is: Make fresh clone of repo Call jet steps --push --tag master…
Joseph Lust
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ECS updating service with same tasks but different docker image

I am an issue that either I do not understand well or something weird happening with aws ecs service. I update my code, create a new docker image and push it to be deployed using ECS. The issue is, when the task definition does not changes, the code…
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