Questions tagged [camera-roll]

157 questions
2 answers

ios 8, how to get all photos using ALAssetLibrary to replace the missing camera roll album

I have an app that has a custom Image Picker that uses the ALAssetLibrary to create an Album picker and image picker. We've implemented a custom picker in order for our customers to select multiple images. This image picker works great under iOS 7…
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Image orientation issue in android react native

i'm using CameraRoll.getPhotos for get photos from gallery. import { CameraRoll, } from 'react-native'; CameraRoll.getPhotos(fetchParams).then((data) => { }); I have a problem with the orientation of the images on some android phones. I have…
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5 answers

iOS & Swift - How can I get and save a UIImage from the user?

I am writing a Swift app for iOS. I want to know how to get an image from the user's camera roll (or whatever they're calling it these days) and save it locally within the app so that I can reference it later. How would one go about this? As an…
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3 answers

Can I get absolute URI of video on camera roll and mutate it from my app?

I want to perform an operation on a video in the iphone camera roll, and I require an absolute URI as I will be using ffmpeg natively within my app. Is it possible to operate on the video in place? or would I need to copy the video to a tmp dir,…
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undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RCTCameraRollManager.getPhotos')

I want to use CameraRoll to get a picture but broken by red-screen. So I tried following: //print: undefined console.log(RCTCameraRollManager); red-screen
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save captured image to custom - secret album in react-native

Within my react-native app, I need to take a picture and save it to new - custom album. Album should not be able to be accessed through photos over menu, thus I need to make album private, so captured photos can only be accessed through the app…
Ali Zeynalov
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2 answers

Way to add overlay when I am recording a Video in ios

Is there any way to add overlay while I am recording a Video so that when I will play the video from camera roll I can see the overlay.
Gobinda Das
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How to open iOS gallery app from React Native app

I'm having trouble opening iOS gallery app from React Native app. I have the file url and asset url. I got the asset url from CameraRoll. Now I want to open the gallery itself to see the image. This is the code that I use openGallery = () => { //…
1 answer

react native camera roll .heic files

The new .HEIC files on IOS 11 is causing problems because image hosting services to not support it. The camera roll api is returning.HEIC files. How can we get .JPG/.PNG instead. Or convert .HEIC to .JPG/.PNG
Thomas Charlesworth
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1 answer

Save Video to CameraRoll React-Native

It´s possible to save a video on React-Native using cameraRoll, for images with saveImageWithTag() it´s easy but i can´t found documentation for videos.
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1 answer

ios UIImagePickerController inside camera roll?

How can one include the UIImagePickerController inside the camera roll picker similar to what facebook and path do (see screenshot). I am just looking to be pointed in the right direction, not specifically looking for code on how to achieve this..…
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1 answer

UIVideoAtPathIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum returns false when deploying on the iPhone

One of my app's features is to download a mp4 file and store it to the local phone album. I have tried several approaches since and the result is always the same, it worked on the simulator but not on the actual iPhone. Xcode is version 5.0.1,…
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iOS, how to keep Photo Sphere XMP Metadata while saving it to Camera Roll?

I am able to add the Photo Sphere XMP Metadata to an equirectangular photo. I uploaded the photo with the XMP metadata to Google Photos, and the Google Photos is able to be recognized as a sphere photo. Then, I tried to save the photo with the XMP…
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1 answer

React Native save a http Image to Android camera roll

Here are some images from websites and I want to save them to Android camera roll. I found out that React Native has an function CameraRoll.saveImageWithTag which could save certain image into the camera roll, but the param tag should be a local…
VaJoy Larn
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CameraRoll api not returning all pictures in album

I'm using the CameraRoll api (getPhotos) to fetch pictures from a specific album. Unfortunately, when I call getPhotos (with any combination of first:number) params, I don't always get all the pictures in the album. I usually have to make the…
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