Questions tagged [camera-calibration]

In Computer Vision, camera-calibration is the process of finding the true parameters of the camera that produced a given photograph or video. Usually, the camera parameters are represented in a 3 × 4 matrix called the camera matrix.

Usually we say a camera is calibrated when we know the Intrinsic Parameters.

Source: Wikipedia

1152 questions
1 answer

Can we find Camera matrix, without running the calibration code?

I would like to know if it is possible to know the camera calibration matrix anyhow , just by knowing it's specifications , without using camera calibration???
Mojo Jojo
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How to project night sky into camera?

I want to write something like a virtual telescope that looks into the night sky. Till now I've a star catalog and I want to project them into a plane to get a mock picture. I speculate the projection to be a gnomonic projection, which can be found…
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Universal camera control for multi platforms

I need to adjust the parameters of the camera like 1) brightness 2) contrast 3) Hue etc., as show in the below window. I need to do it for Windows and Linux environments. Can some one give me tips on where to start. On googling I could found only…
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Can't remove distortion

i'm making a program to calibrate a camera and remove the distortion with a chessboard using OpenCV in Java. I've been reading "Learning OpenCV" and my code is quite similar but even the program run without errors the results are wrong. I'm looking…
1 answer

CameraCalibration with Open CV

I try to calibrate a camera with python and opnecv. I use a video-file instead of a webcam live stream. Everything seems to work except of the last step. This is: print "now get ready, camera is switching on" while(1): …
1 answer

OpenCV: unable to get correct euler angles for calibration of single camera

I posted a few weeks ago because I was having trouble getting the correct translation vector in opencv with python when I was calibrating my camera (Python Opencv SolvePnP yields wrong translation vector) Though, that was solved, I am not having…
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outputs parameters of cvCalibrateCamera

I'm using OpenCV calibrateCamera function to extract intrinsic end extrinsic parameters of my camera. I have a big problem with the extrinsic one (rotation and translation) because the rotation matrix, that should be a 3x3 matrix, it's only a 3x1.…
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1 answer

Camera Calibration (cv.calibrateCamera and cv.InitUndistortMap)

The cv.InitUndistortMap opencv function is not working. I get the intrinsic and distortion matrix, but I can not use this values to fix my image. I get this error: cv.InitUndistortMap(camera_matrix,distortion_coefs,mapx,mapy) TypeError: Argument…
Andrea Diaz
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0 answers

Camera calibration and perspective correction in OpenCV

I used calibration to get the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, and I dont know how to use this information in my perspective correction code. What OpenCV functions should I use?
Andrea Diaz
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1 answer

Disable camera focus on startup

When I start the camera on my iPad 3 with iOS 6 the camera does a focus operation. This is how I am doing it with AVFoundation framework:\ // // AppDelegate.h // @interface AppDelegate : UIResponder @property (strong,…
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1 answer

Find point world coordinates after calibration in Opencv

is there a function of OpenCV such that with: coordinates of a marker in the image plane extrinsic parameters intrinsic parameters z coordinate (distance between the marker and the cam, because I use sensor kinect) provides the corresponding…
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1 answer

unresolved external symbol cvFindChessboardCorners()

I've included the header files that cvFindChessboardCorners() is declared in and a bunch of others but it still doesn't work. How do a define the symbol? Not sure what is going on here? Let me know if more information is required. Thanks.
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Mechanical calibration and finetuning of stereo webcams

There are many reads regarding stereo (computer) vision. The most notable message to take away from these reads is that you are pretty much stuck with OpenCV... which is definitely not a bad thing. Most articles are about calibrating through the…
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1 answer

Calibration Opencv

I am trying to find camera extrinsics from six chessboard images with Opencv. My output is: 86
1.7261576010447846e-01 3.1158880577193560e-01…
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2 answers

Issue with cvReprojectImageTo3D and CV_32FC3

I need your help. I have implemented stereo calibration, rectification using my stereo pair. I have got a disparity image which is quite reasonable. The problem that I face is with cvReprojectImageTo3D.I have used stereobM. And rectified in a…