Questions tagged [camera-calibration]

In Computer Vision, camera-calibration is the process of finding the true parameters of the camera that produced a given photograph or video. Usually, the camera parameters are represented in a 3 × 4 matrix called the camera matrix.

Usually we say a camera is calibrated when we know the Intrinsic Parameters.

Source: Wikipedia

1152 questions
2 answers

Stereo Camera-extrinsic matrix

I have calibrated stereo cameras and got the extrinsic matrix. I know the Translation Vector 'T' between co-ordinate systems of the first and second camera. T: [ -35.831, 36.364,18.837] How can I calculate the base line distance between the…
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access violation while stereo calibration?

Iam getting access violation error while I am performing debugging in stereo calibration code is as follows for(int j=0;j
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web cam calibrate

I have 2 logistic webcam, I want to do stereo triangulation for which I have to measure the focal length of 2 web cameras. My question is if I use openCv to calibrate the camera and generate the intrinsic and extrinsic matrices can I use the focal…
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Calling opencv through Emgucv

I'm trying to use Emgucv in c# to decompose a projection matrix into a rotation matrix, a translation matrix and a camera matrix. I could easily do it with RQ-Factorization but I couldn't find it by inspecting Emgucv API reference. Since Emgucv is a…
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After calibrated camera how could get in size or distance of an object from image?

Hi, I performed the two camera calibration for the stereo system through the calibrateStereo function in openCV. I was wondering how I can get the distance or size of an object from the photo after calibrating the cameras.?
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How openCV estimates focal length using object points and image points

I'm trying to display 3D chessboard image(involved rotation, translation) like matlab's camera calibration tool box, using openCV, openGL. To make this, I'm studying camera calibration, homogeneous, etc.. My question is the function…
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How can I remove the bottom part distortion of a undistort panaroma image from scaramuzza omnidirectional camera calibration toolbox?

Original Image Undistorted image Scaramuzza omnidirectional camera calibration toolbox has been used to calibrate and save the camera parameters. Then these parameters are used to get the panaromic view from the 180 degree FOV fisheye camera. I have…
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camera position relative to World coordinate

I am taking the Computer Vision course, and I had some problems while doing some exercise: I have the intrinsic matrix K, and extrinsic matrix [R|t] of a camera as followings, K = 478.989 2.67423 405.437 0 476.472 306.35 0 0 1 [R|t] =…
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Why do all the coordinates from the QueryVertices are zero?

For the following code: Reads the depth data from the sensor and fills in the matrix ***/ void SR300Camera::fillInZCoords() { Image::ImageData depthImage; Image *depthMap = sample->depth; depthMap->AcquireAccess(Image::ACCESS_READ,…
Mona Jalal
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Assembly explanation about stereoCalibrate error with OutputArray::Create assertion error

I came across an error during execute stereoCalibrate in Opencv 2.4.11, which is says : OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (!fixedSize() || ((Mat*)obj)->size.operator()() == Size(cols, rows)) in cv::_OutputArray::create, I think this must be some size…
3 answers

How to solve ImportError: cannot import name splitfn in python

i have write code to calibrate camera in my file,but when i run that file it shows error like, ImportError: cannot import name splitfn how to solve this?...i have run this file using this command: sudo python…
snehal desai
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Why code is not giving proper results Matlab?

I know this type of questions may have been answered before but i am a beginner in matlab so please bear my kiddy questions. I wan to generate a 11*12 matrix from a set of values. i have five different vectors named X,Y Z,u,v. my code…
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Need of Extrinsic parameter Camera calibration tips

I am new to camera calibration (Extrinsic Parameters)..please give clear idea how to start with extrinsic parameters computation. I really need some answers.. am in critical position.
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Advise for camera buying

I am intending to buy a camera for my research about robotics. I am relatively new if I am ashamed to say that I am absolutely new to CV. My job is detecting an objects and return the [x,y,z] coordinate. My platform is Ubuntu 12.04 and I intend to…
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selecting 3D world points to process a camera calibration

I have 2 images for the same object from different views. I want to form a camera calibration, but from what I read so far I need to have a 3D world points to get the camera matrix. I am stuck at this step, who can explain it to me
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