Questions tagged [stereo-3d]

This tag should only be used for issues directly related to binocular graphical rendering. If you are not displaying different graphical images to the left and right eyes, do not use this tag.

This tag should only be used for issues directly related to binocular graphical rendering. If you are not displaying different graphical images to the left and right eyes, do not use this tag.

Stereo 3D refers to a class of techniques for displaying two different images to a viewer's left and right eyes.

For other types of solid model rendering, use , or a tag specific to your platform.

473 questions
2 answers

OpenCV – Depth map from Uncalibrated Stereo System

I'm trying to get a depth map with an uncalibrated method. I can obtain the fundamental matrix by finding correspondent points with SIFT and then using cv2.findFundamentalMat. I then use cv2.stereoRectifyUncalibrated to get the homography matrices…
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1 answer

What is the definition of a "disparity map"?

I've been asked to implement an edge-based disparity map, but I fundamentally don't understand what a disparity map is. What is the definition of a "disparity map"?
2 answers

What is the difference between a disparity map and a disparity image in stereo matching?

I am new to stereo matching. I couldn't understand the concept of disparity. What are a disparity map and disparity image, and what is the difference between them?
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Distance to the object using stereo camera

Is there a way to calculate the distance to specific object using stereo camera? Is there an equation or something to get distance using disparity or angle?
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How do I create a stereoscopic OpenGL view on the Mac?

Although Apple's documentation clearly states they support stereoscopic views on the Mac with the kCGLPFAStereo and NSOpenGLPFAStereo pixel format attributes, I've been unable to get any semblance of a stereoscopic pixel format object. I've been…
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Bad disparity map using StereoBM in OpenCV

I've put together a stereo cam rig and am having trouble using it to produce a good disparity map. Here's an example of two rectified images and the disparity map I produced with them: As you can see, the results are pretty bad. Changing the…
Daniel Lee
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3 answers

Accuracy in depth estimation - Stereo Vision

I am doing a research in stereo vision and I am interested in accuracy of depth estimation in this question. It depends of several factors like: Proper stereo calibration (rotation, translation and distortion extraction), image resolution, camera…
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1 answer

How to generate a valid point cloud representation of a pair of stereo images using OpenCV 3.0 StereoSGBM and PCL

I have recently started working with OpenCV 3.0 and my goal is to capture a pair of stereo images from a set of stereo cameras, create a proper disparity map, convert the disparity map to a 3D point cloud and finally show the resulting point cloud…
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1 answer

OpenCV Stereo Matching/Calibration

I'd initially posted this on the OpenCV forums, but unfortunately, I didn't get too many views/replies so I'm posting here with the hopes that someone might have a direction to please suggest? I am using the Bumblebee XB3 Stereo Camera and it has 3…
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Libraries to get depth map from stereo images?

I'm going to set up some devices to perform real-time 3D motion tracking. My first idea to do so is to use a pair of cameras to take stereo image and calculate the depth map to get the 3D data I needed. Are there any good open source libraries…
Andy Li
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1 answer

Stereo vision with OpenCV

can anyone provide a good sample program on OpenCV depth maps or distance calculation?
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1 answer

Python - Perspective transform for OpenCV from a rotation angle

I'm working on depth map with OpenCV. I can obtain it but it is reconstructed from the left camera origin and there is a little tilt of this latter and as you can see on the figure, the depth is "shifted" (the depth should be close and no horizontal…
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1 answer

What's the conceptual difference between bundle adjustment and structure from motion?

In my mind they both mean reconstructing 3D coordinates from matched points in 2D images. What's the difference between these concepts and multi-view stereo? Which one do you call an algorithm that computes a sparse point cloud from keypoint…
2 answers

Q matrix for the reprojectImageTo3D function in opencv

I am doing a project in opencv to detect obstacle in the path of a blind person using stereo calibration. I have calculated the disparity map correctly. Now to find the distance of obstacle from the camera, I want its 3D coordinates [X,Y,Z] , which…
3 answers

Stereo Vision with Minoru 3d Webcam in Processing and OpenCV

I recently purchased a Minoru 3d Webcam ( in the hopes of using it to do stereo vision in OpenCV. I thought I had done the proper research before ordering it verifying that it would work, but all of those resources are a…
Adam Dally
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