Questions tagged [caanimation]

CAAnimation is an abstract animation class from Apple QuartzCore framework. It provides the basic support for the CAMediaTiming and CAAction protocols.

All Core Animation's animation classes descend from the abstract class CAAnimation. CAAnimation adopts the CAMediaTiming protocol which provides the simple duration, speed, and repeat count for an animation. CAAnimation also adopts the CAAction protocol. This protocol provides a standardized means for starting an animation in response to an action triggered by a layer.

For more information, see the Apple Documentation for CAAnimation.

457 questions
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CALayer objects not touchable within UIScrollview

I have a UIScrollView in which there are many CALayer objects as sub layer. I am able to capture the touches in all these layers if the userInteraction of the scrollView is disabled. But in this case, scroll is not possible. I now want to capture…
2 answers

Animate in curve in layer

I have been trying to do this for several days. I have an array of CGPoints that can form either a curve or straight line(freehand). I am using CALayer and want to animate it in a smoothly(like a circular path). So far this is what i have tried. The…
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is it possible to determine the Animation Order

I have three animations. But I want to play these respectively, not at the same time. All of animations are instance of CABasicAnimation. How can i achieve this ? Thanks.
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Want to get animation like opening a camera shutter in iphone

i am making an application based on photography as per the requirement i have to show all progress or activity indicator in a menner to look it like opening camera shutter. For better explanation see attached image. As shown in image while loading…
1 answer

CALayer setPosition not called during animation

I have a custom CALayer that I am animating using a CAAnimationGroup to follow a path and rotate at a tangent to the path: // Create the animation path CAKeyframeAnimation *pathAnimation = [CAKeyframeAnimation…
Magic Bullet Dave
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Animating UIView size jumps

Tyring to animate a UIView by changing its height and position. The first animation jumps? I have the size of the UIView (theView) set in Storyboards to be height of 216. So the app loads and the theView is shown. I click theView and it quickly…
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UIImage view resets after animation is called

Im new to core animation. Every time I call the animation my image moves from its location to the top left of the screen, moves, then goes back to the original location. How do I make the image move 50 units left, stop, then repeat if the button is…
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Red Box Moving in Place of UIImage View in Core Animation

My first Core Animation is just an image moving from point a to b. For some reason when the animation is called a red box appears and moves in place of my image while it just sits there. Here is my code: -(IBAction)preform:(id)sender{ CALayer *layer…
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Error on first CAAnimation Program

This is what is being called: -(IBAction)preform:(id)sender{ CALayer *layer = [CALayer layer]; [layer setPosition:CGPointMake(100.0, 100.0)]; [layer setBounds:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 60.0)]; [layer setBackgroundColor:[[UIColor redColor]…
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iOS UIImageView not animating

I'm making an app and have an IBAction that is triggered when the user hits a button. Heres the code: - (IBAction)expand:(id)sender{ UIImage *statusImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"status.png"]; [activityImageView setImage:statusImage]; CATransform3D…
Chris Loonam
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How to write a Bezier curved path on the fly with one fixed point and one changing

If I have an object performing this CAKeyframe Animation path (it is just an oval shape in the upper region of an iphone.. UIBezierPath *trackPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:CGRectMake(20, 100, 280, 150)]; Now imagine that at anytime…
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Two CGpaths - 1 CAAnimation - but the second path should be repeated

If I have a path which starts at the top of the screen and eases down into an oval shape. I would like to once in the oval shape for the animation to keep repeating the oval shape. How do I do this with CAKeyframeAnimations? Do I have two and…
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iOS rotation animation does not happen smoothly in CAAnimationGroup

I have 3 animations running in a group: position, scale and rotation However my rotation animation does not happen smoothly. It happens abruptly in the beginning, while other animations happen smoothly. Here is my code: //CABasicAnimation…
Nirav Bhatt
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Cannot get CALayer to display in UIView

I have a simple, single-view app and for some reason I cannot get a CALayer to display in the app's UIView. The background color of the view is correct but the image in the CALayer is not visible. I've stepped through the code in the debugger and…
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CAKeyframeAnimation with Path build with CGPathAddArcToPoint doesn't work

I have a keyframeAnimation and I define a Path, but the animation doesn't work. Do you see anything wrong? :S Here is the code: CAKeyframeAnimation *animKF = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"position"]; CGMutablePathRef animationPath =…