Questions tagged [caanimation]

CAAnimation is an abstract animation class from Apple QuartzCore framework. It provides the basic support for the CAMediaTiming and CAAction protocols.

All Core Animation's animation classes descend from the abstract class CAAnimation. CAAnimation adopts the CAMediaTiming protocol which provides the simple duration, speed, and repeat count for an animation. CAAnimation also adopts the CAAction protocol. This protocol provides a standardized means for starting an animation in response to an action triggered by a layer.

For more information, see the Apple Documentation for CAAnimation.

457 questions
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CALayer thin white lines

I am animating a CALayer to move and for some reason I keep getting these thin white lines all across the screen... it's not my device I can assure you here is how I set up the CALayer: dodgelayer=nil; dodgelayer= [CALayer…
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How do I start ios shape animations at different times based on the position of another shape that is already moving

I'm trying to do the following animation for my iPhone App. My current thoughts are to inherit from CAShapeLayer and build up a shape that has the 3 components for the animation. I.e. the yellow rectangle, the green line and the red pointer. I…
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How can I animate a Camera Iris animation using CAFilter?

I am developing a simple camera app, where I need to animate a camera shutter opening/closing animation. I googled on CAFilter and CATransition, but got confused. How is it going to help me animate? Ex. If I have a view called view, and a method…
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UITableView addsubview crahes

I want to add a custom UIView that contains an CABasicAnimation to a UITableViewCell. I do this the following way if( self.pie_chart_view == nil ) self.pie_chart_view = [[PieChartView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake( 0.f, 0.f, 30.f, 30.f…
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CAAnimation & Multiple View Controllers

I have a root View Controller (VC) that manages two other VC and for portrait and one for landscape and within each of these there's a number of other VC's. One of the lower level VC's has an animation method that is trigger by a notification from…
Duncan Hill
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CAAnimation animationDidStop not called with NSAnimationContext

I'm animating an NSScrollView scrolling, with this piece of code: [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping]; NSClipView* clipView = [self contentView]; NSPoint newOrigin = [clipView bounds].origin; newOrigin.x = page*kGalleryWidth; …
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Animation with an image in iPad

Hi I have an image like a round top of a table. I want to move it clockwise when ever user swipes from left to right and counter clockwise when user swipes from right to left. Like moving a round table top in real time. How can I do this in the…
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screen flash when addsubview by CATransition

Many people use this method to add animation on switching views. When I try to add animation effect on adding a subview, the view always flash once。 The reason is that the view add subview immediately at the beginning, after that, the animation…
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4 answers

Swapping text in iPhone by Animation

I want to swap a text in a IOS App in order to specify a help text, I mean, I need to display for a Xsec - "Touch me" and then for Xsec - "double tap". is it possible by using CABasicAnimation? The text need to be displayed in an blink…
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animationDidStop:finished: not called

I'm trying to replace a view with another one using a sliding animation from top. I kind of followed the guide posted here in but without the NSConstraints. Unfortunately the delegate methods…
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UIViewRepresentable with CAAnimation does not animate in SwiftUI

There is a UIView with a CAAnimation which works fine in UIKit. This animated view is added to a SwiftUI view via UIViewRepresentable. In SwiftUI the view does not animate. This happens when it is not directly part of the SwiftUI view hierarchy and…
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When CAAnimationGroup's execution is completed, it goes back to initial animation sequence with a jerking effect

Here, I am creating a vanishing circular layer animation. My code is following: import UIKit class VanishingLoader: UIView { private let loaderLayer = CAShapeLayer() private var layerPaths = [UIBezierPath]() private let…
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Detect UIView animation and copy it

I have two views. Lets call them view1 and view2. They are at the same level in the views hierarchy. I want view2 to always follow view1 (both in position and size). I added some constraints to do that and it works fine. The problem is with the…
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CGPath draw a loader

I juste watch this effect : alt text I would like to reproduce it. Is it simply a CGPath animation? Have you got some indications so implement this beautiful loader view ? Thanks for your tips ;)
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Animate from current position in CAAnimation

How do I animate position of red ball from A to B starting from C ? i.e. It should first animate from C to B and then animate indefinately between A & B I have following code snippet animation.fromValue = A animation.toValue =…
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