Questions tagged [cakeyframeanimation]

Describes an animation that provides keyframe interpolation of a layer property in Apple's Core Animation framework.

CAKeyframeAnimation is a Core Animation animation type that provides keyframe interpolation of a layer property. Instances should be created with the initializer animationWithKeyPath:.

For more information, see the Apple Documentation for CAKeyframeAnimation.

229 questions
3 answers

Can I animate the UIScrollView contentOffset property via its layer?

I want to zoom and scroll a UIScrollView with a CGPathRef. Because of that I assume I have to animate the UIScrollView's layer property? But which property would I animate that would make it equivalent to doing a UIView animation and setting its…
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10 answers

CoreAnimation - Opacity Fade In and Out Animation Not Working

I'm attempting to create a fairly simple CoreAnimation for use in an AVComposition. My goal is to create a CALayer which, through various sublayers, fades a title in and out, then fades in an out images. A slideshow, basically. This is being…
3 answers

How to specify selector when CAKeyframeAnimation is finished?

I'm using a CAKeyframeAnimation to animate a view along a CGPath. When the animation is done, I'd like to be able to call some other method to perform another action. Is there a good way to do this? I've looked at using UIView's…
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NSTimer not fired when uiscrollview event occurs

I have a UIImageView placed in UIScrollView, Basicly this UIImageView holds very big map, and created animation on a predefined path with "arrows" pointed navigation direction. But, whenever uiscrollevents occurs, I think MainLoop freezes and…
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4 answers

What explains best the CAPropertyAnimation animationWithKeyPath: parameter?

I'd like to have a better understanding of this parameter in + (id)animationWithKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath They just say: "The key path of the property to be animated." In some example snippets I see things like: CABasicAnimation *fadeInAnimation…
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CAAnimation -1 repeat count?

how can i make my CAKeyframeAnimation have a never ending repeat count? I tried animation.repeatCount = -1; but it only repeats once.
3 answers

iOS CAKeyframeAnimation rotationMode on UIImageView

I am experimenting with Key Frame animation of the position of a UIImageView object moving along a bezier path. This pic shows the initial state before animation. The blue line is the path - initially moving straight up, the light green box is the…
Peter M
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5 answers

iPhone animation based on input values (touches) not time

For an animation effect perfectly suited to an animation group approach as shown in Brad Larson's answer here, I need the animation to proceed according to inputs. Specifically touch and position of detected touches. It is easy to handle…
Adam Eberbach
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1 answer

Cannot get current position of CALayer during animation

I am trying to achieve an animation that when you hold down a button it animates a block down, and when you release, it animates it back up to the original position, but I cannot obtain the current position of the animating block no matter what.…
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4 answers

How Do You CAKeyframeAnimation Scale?

I want to create an animation with several key frames. I want my Layer (a button in this case) to scale up to 1.5 then down to 0.5 then up to 1.2 then down to 0.8 then 1.0. I also want to EaseIn and EaseOut of each keyframe. As you can imagine, this…
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4 answers

UIViewControllers Transitions Effect Like iBooks Book opening effect?

I have been working on application which is a clone of iBooks, and for last 2 days I have been trying to animate the book cover flow like iBook app perform . This is an iBooks ScreenShot, I have my book shelf exactly like this: When the user taps…
1 answer

when to use CABasicAnimation and CAKeyFrameAnimation and CGAffineTransform?

when to use CABasicAnimation and CAKeyFrameAnimation and CGAffineTransform?
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1 answer

Drawing a path with CAKeyFrameAnimation on iPhone

I want to draw a path gradually, i.e. I want the path to appear as if it is drawn by hand. I have managed to create the path I need. I have also managed to create a CAKeyFrameAnimation that uses this path. But so far I can only move an object along…
Joseph Tura
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4 answers

How to animate only a percentage of the full CALayer animation along a UIBezierPath?

I manage to animate an CALayer along a UIBezierPath. What i'm trying to accomplish is to animate only a percentage of the path, for example, only 25% of the path, with the layer staying at that position (at 25%). What is the way to do this? Here is…
Van Du Tran
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2 answers

What kind of value is keyTime in an CAKeyFrameAnimation?

For example I have this CAKeyFrameAnimation: CALayer* theLayer = myView.layer; CAKeyframeAnimation* animation; animation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.z"]; animation.duration = 1.6; …
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