Questions tagged [business-objects]

BusinessObjects is a business-intelligence suite from SAP. Only programming related questions are on-topic for Stack Overflow. System administration and customer support questions are off-topic.

BusinessObjects is an integrated, business-intelligence, software suite with components that provide performance management, planning, reporting, query and analysis and enterprise information management.

Disambiguation : this tag should not be used to describe the "business object" design concept.

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972 questions
2 answers

Business Objects | Webi Reports| Help Required on data summary

I need help on SAP Business Objects – Web Intelligence tool for Reports. Is there any way we can summarize (Sum of a column, Total Number rows in a column etc.) the data on one Report tab in other tab of the report? Has anyone implemented this in…
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Stability concerns SAP BO 4.0

I am evaluating SAP BO 4.0 for our BI implementation.I have been exploring SAP BO web intelligence. Once of my concern is when creating reports, it often breaks. And the new functionality of bringing in data from excel spreadsheets and merging with…
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Does BO 4.2 SP8 support Java11?

I want to upgrade BusinessObjects from 4.2 SP2 to 4.2 SP8. I am currently using Java8 and going to upgrade to Java11. Are these compatible with each other ?
1 answer

how to subtract the first line from the next in column sap bo webi

Column1: [pz] line_index type: number = RowIndex () + 1 Column 2: Inc. Enter the text * each event number is unique Column 3: audit time type: date and time Example: [pz] row_index 29 audit time: 1/8/2019 08:08:06 subtract: [pz] row_index 26 audit…
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Can I create aliases of views too? I'm working in SAP BusinessObjects IDT Data Foundation Layer and working with a Calendar view

I'm working in SAP BusinessObjects IDT Data Foundation Layer and working with a Calendar view which I want to join with the fact table which has multiple date fields.
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System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll

This error is showed when I try to print a crystal report. System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll I am trying to build a WPF application, I have used the same code in another form, and it's working fine there. but at…
2 answers

Print to pdf settings - using RestFul Api - SAP Business Object / .Net

I would like to create a functionality in my Application to generate the reports as pdf from SAP Business Objects (WebI / Web Intelligence) using RESTFul API. Everything works fine, except the thing that the pdf doesn't have any margins etc. (so…
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javascript in SAPUI5 - Require JS initialisation to simple method call or How to import "require js based" lib to SAP Business Objects

Does someone can tell me how to change RequireJS definition: (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], factory(root)); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports =…
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1 answer

SAP Business Objects Enterprise XI Infoview Reference books

I'm looking for books with regards to SAP Business Objects Enterprise XI Infoview reports application, can you advise me of the best books for beginners/intermediate users? I have located a few but I am not sure if they are the right ones for me. I…
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2 answers

How to build a view for tables in Universe in BO 4.1?

How can we build view for tables in a universe in BO 4.1? I have build my universe with tables. Now i need to add views for the tables. View script is executed. How can i add appropriate view for the tables. Thanks in Advance.
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1 answer

ytd problems in sql

If a user enters the hiredate as 02/03/2013 then it will display all the employee information between 01/01/2013 (starting of the year) to 30/03/2013(end of the given month). what will be the query to extract the result. empno hiredate …
Ankur Alankar Biswal
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1 answer

How can i retrieve this data?

I have two dimensions, login and username containing names of people who have an account, and who have actually logged in to their account respectively. How do i retrieve the names that are in login but absent in username? I am using Webi Rich…
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